Recent content by Kyborg01

  1. Kyborg01

    [OzzModz] Separate Phrases For Like And Reaction

    Hello Ozzy, I found the small bug. If I withdraw my reaction, so the first reaction string is displayed again. It I reload the web page, then it's fine. See video ("Ohodnotiť príspevok" is Set reaction phrase text for OzzoMod) My...
  2. Kyborg01

    XF 2.2 Rename post reaction button

    Thanks! Is it possible somewhere in the template to put the string on hard? I am concerned about addons for compatibility in the future.
  3. Kyborg01

    XF 2.2 Rename post reaction button

    Hi, How can I rename the "Like" button? I need rename "Like" to "Set post karma".
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