Recent content by kiwhen

  1. kiwhen

    Security issues and bots

    I've been using XenForo for a while now, and granted - it's probably an older version than the one currently available for download. Some of these issues may have been adressed already, but I really can't be bothered with checking that at this point. I've pretty much had it with XenForo, and...
  2. kiwhen

    Custom pages not displaying forum data

    So if I go like this: <xen:sidebar> <xen:edithint template="sidebar.css" /> <!-- <- Probably not required, but still --> <xen:hook name="forum_list_sidebar"> <xen:include template="sidebar_online_users" /> </xen:hook> </xen:sidebar> I should get some results? 'Cause I don't. :( For this...
  3. kiwhen

    Custom pages not displaying forum data

    Thanks for the reply! To follow up, is there a way to access the $viewParams-data without creating my own PHP-file for this? I mean, all the info I need is already in there, so it would be a bit overkill to make a custom class for fetching data that I already have. Or at least should have. The...
  4. kiwhen

    Custom pages not displaying forum data

    I've been at this for a while, but I'm getting nowhere fast. I thought this would be one of the most frequently asked questions regarding XenForo development as well, but I can't find anyone who has attempted this, been successful and at the same time provided the solution for me to see. This is...
  5. kiwhen

    Including external PHP-files into a page callback method

    That wouldn't do much good, as far as I can tell. Neither file creates any kind of output. The problem is that the URL passed to the include-method appears to be invalid, even if I pass the exact absolute URL to the file. I suppose I could write the whole script in the callback-file itself...
  6. kiwhen

    Including external PHP-files into a page callback method

    I'm trying to create a page node that I can use to list and edit bug reports for a game server. I have a pretty good idea on how to do this using PHP, but I'm a bit of a rookie when it comes to putting this stuff into a Xenforo page node. I've created a PHP-file that's tied into the PHP...
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