Recent content by kholland28

  1. kholland28

    XF 2.2 Can't Upload Logo (New Acct)

    oh ok...thank you for the tip! I'll look at that now. Ken
  2. kholland28

    XF 2.2 Can't Upload Logo (New Acct)

    I got it. I never hit the 'upload' button...I just went to bottom and saved it. Thank you everyone for your help! Ken
  3. kholland28

    XF 2.2 Can't Upload Logo (New Acct)

    Thank you for the reply. I reverted the 'Header logo/row' so it's blank. Where do I upload the logo. I put the path in (as Andy above instructed) and it's broken. Ken
  4. kholland28

    XF 2.2 Confusion about applying a new tropy to users

    Did you get this sorted? Curious...
  5. kholland28

    XF 2.2 Can't Upload Logo (New Acct)

    Hey, thanks Andy. I got it up but it's not showing (broken image). I'm just stumped...where are the docs for stuff like this?
  6. kholland28

    XF 2.2 Can't Upload Logo (New Acct)

    Hi, I've been all over the forums, and I can't figure out how to upload my logo. I went to 'Appearance' > 'Style Properties' > 'Header and Navigation' > 'Header/logo row' ...and updated in the image section, but nothing. Sure I'm missing something but no documentation on this that I could...
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