Recent content by Kaitou

  1. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Showing Icon On Custom User FIeld

    Got it to work, nevermind.
  2. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Showing Icon On Custom User FIeld

    I got to work from a ghetto way <img src="{$choice}.png" alt="{$value}" width="22" height="22" /> But how do I make it read it from my host/ftp?
  3. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Showing Icon On Custom User FIeld

    So I made a Genders Custom User FIeld and I am trying to make it show an image instead of text (while also showing the text while hovering it) This is what i got so far but its not working properly. <img src="../styles/default/xenforo/genders/{$choice}.png" alt="{$value}" width="20" height="20"...
  4. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Custom User Field / Expand Quotes

    Thanks! Where is the best place to achieve what I am trying to do? EDIT: I got someone messing with the bb_code_tag_quote page. Would that be right? EDIT2: <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.custom_fields.expandquotesauto == true"> <style> .bbCodeBlock--expandable...
  5. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Custom User Field / Expand Quotes

    So basically what I want is to give users the option to expand quotes or not. Found this to automatically expand quotes, which works. .bbCodeBlock--expandable .bbCodeBlock-expandContent { max-height: 100%; } But not all users want that option so I'm trying to make it a user preference. I...
  6. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Avatar Change Size

    Okay so I was able to change the above but how do I fix this now?
  7. Kaitou

    XF 2.1 Avatar Change Size

    So I made avatars 200x on the member info section, but on new post section, is still small. How do I go about changing that?
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