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  • F
    Good interview :) Thanks for doing and for posting.
    I was on there yesterday for a bit.

    I will be honest I haven't posted in a while, not sure why though. It's been the same on some other forums I visit and my own.

    Are you going to convert it to XF? I'm pretty sure now that I will mine. I've been put off vBulletin lately.
    I can understand - once you've used XF it becomes more difficult to use other sites. We're not sure about ZX and XF at the moment, it's something to consider for the future though.
    It's the styling that gets me.

    No matter what I do I can't seem to like it.

    I really wasn't sure if I would convert to XF until a few days ago. It will be a while before I do convert though, my members want a 'hosting' section so I'll need to play around with it for a while.
    I think I will eventually get to it. The thing is what we plan to use to connect all the sites together as part of a network so all members are shared and off topic posts is only available for vBulletin at the moment, it's very important to ZoneNintendo and ZonePlayStation
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