Recent content by icecore

  1. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    I just did an upgrade, nothing else. as I said at the beginning. After the upgrade I went to the Admin control panel and saw this errors in the dashboard.
  2. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    This appeared just after the upgrade. not something that makes some issue or something that I can see, just noted the exception.
  3. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    I meant in the Admin page (https://domain/admin)
  4. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    It appears in the control panel, not something that I see when operating
  5. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    I have an exception right after upgrading to 2.2.11: INSERT INTO `xf_tagess_synonym` (`tag_id`, `parent_tag_id`) VALUES (?, ?) ------------ #0 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(198): XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException('MySQL query err...', 1062, '23000') #1 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(79)...
  6. icecore

    XF 2.2 How can I create thread via API

    Have you tried another node id?
  7. icecore

    Check Add-On update [Deleted]

    I thought that this is the way how it works 🤔 I have the same issue, looks like it checks the supported installed add-ons separately...
  8. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    @Stuart Wright is it possible to add an option to bulk editing categories of tags? It's frustrating to add every tag one by one
  9. icecore

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    I have an exception when edit / add tags: XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1267]: Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 230...
  10. icecore

    [tl] Telegram Integration

    This information was missing in the instruction, thanks!
  11. icecore

    [tl] Telegram Integration

    You mean the setwebhook request?
  12. icecore

    [tl] Telegram Integration

    I get it from the GitHub repo, can't get it work. I set: Error ID (tried mine and the bot IDs) Token No feedback.
  13. icecore

    Check Add-On update [Deleted]

    The additional link is come from xenforo resources. The issue is that when I see new update, I would like to get to the add-on page. Now, when I see an update, I go to the resources page > Resource search > looking for the add-on download page.
  14. icecore

    Check Add-On update [Deleted]

    Idea: Add link to the addon page
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