Recent content by HydraulicJack

  1. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.3 Email on new registration

    EXCELLENT! This will be a BIG help for me... THANKS!
  2. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.4 How to make forum content other than home page visible only to Search Engines and logged in members?

    How does one configure the forum so if not logged in, one can only view the forum home page but there are no links to view forum content, posts etc.? That is, configure so that search engines can index all the content, and logged in members can search and read all content, but other site...
  3. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    Thanks VERY much Jake! Hopefully this won't affect people who've already registered and are already a Registered user. If there's anything else I need to do to grandfather the previously enrolled users so this new filter doesn't exclude them, please let me know. All the best, Jack
  4. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    I need the regular expression that will REQUIRE the registrant to provide a string of alphanumeric characters that is exactly 17 characters in length with no spaces of special characters. I'm about to upgrade to 1.4 when it releases, but meanwhile would like to implement this required field in...
  5. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    Ticket closed. Thanks for your REALLY quick response when I was under the gun!
  6. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    BTW got the fire out at least for now. Thanks VERY much for your super quick response when I was at DefCon 5.
  7. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    We've just switched from pattern match to ReCaptcha
  8. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    THANKS! That'll stop this hack any way. What do you recommend as a more comprehensive solution?
  9. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    This is an example: 9E419885GG442505M I'm not sure all PayPal orders follow that exact combination of alphanumerics but we can start there since the spambot is at this point just filling that field with: order_number
  10. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Need code format to accept PayPal order numbers but no other

    I've got a field created on the Preferences page in the admin area that requires the user to enter an order number that matches the format of PayPal order numbers but no other. Could someone please let me know what that is at your earliest convenience? A spambot has found my site and I'm...
  11. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.3 Trying set a message to display in template for all classes of logged in persons but no others

    At (a non-porn adult sexuality education website) I'm trying to have a message display ONLY for ALL persons who are actually logged in, but not for those who are not logged in. This is in the ad_above_top_breadcrumb template. However, although the message DOES...
  12. HydraulicJack

    XF 1.1 Requiring order number pattern match at registration: Where to EDIT required pattern?

    In my installation at I installed an order number pattern match requirement (but no table lookup to check against valid numbers) as part of member registration at The field is: ORDER NUMBER CONFIRMING...
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