Recent content by Hornstar

  1. Hornstar

    XF 1.3 How to delete multiple user posts?

    I'd say about 90% of my online time is on a phone these days. Living in a remote location means I don't get fast internet. A few minutes may not sound like much, but when you have to do that multiple times a day, it all adds up, especially when your online time is limited. Now if the...
  2. Hornstar

    XF 1.3 How to delete multiple user posts?

    Okay but on a slower connection on my phone that is still more painful. Has anyone created a mod to help in this regard?
  3. Hornstar

    XF 1.3 How to delete multiple user posts?

    How do I delete more than one post at a time from a specific user? For example, I am looking in the activity feed and see a user has spammed about 20 or so threads. I don't want to delete all their posts as they have many posts in the past which are good and valid. However there is no inline...
  4. Hornstar

    xenFracture by RazorThemes [Paid] [Deleted]

    I'm new to upgrading so wanted to ask first. I was on xenforo 1.3.1 with this style 1.3.1 I've now upgraded to xenforo 1.3.2 and let it merge any changes. Should I upgrade this style to 1.3.2? Or do I not need to? If I should upgrade the style what are the best steps?
  5. Hornstar

    Lack of interest Resolved by ... In responsive

    When viewing reports on my mobile, I'd like to know who resolved or rejected them at a quick glance. There is plenty of space.
  6. Hornstar

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    Does this have a feature in it so you can exclude certain usergroups being tagged?
  7. Hornstar

    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    Alright thanks. I've deleted it and recreated it. See how it goes. Should I disable the cron? Because the only way I can run it is via cli?
  8. Hornstar

    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    I've just noticed that I have been getting these errors quite a bit. I am on the latest version. ErrorException: gzopen(sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied - library/XfAddOns/Sitemap/Sitemap/Base.php:104 Generated By: Unknown Account, 37 minutes ago Stack Trace #0...
  9. Hornstar

    Lack of interest Private Conversations - De-invite someone...

    If a user accidentally adds another user into a private conversation, it would be nice to be able to remove that participant from the conversation (usergroup permission)
  10. Hornstar

    [bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3

    How does this mod handle a situation if you tagged a usergroup with a lot of users in it (say half a million)?
  11. Hornstar

    User Upgrades by Waindigo [Deleted]

    @Waindigo I am requesting a price to have the following feature added. 1. Is such a feature possible? 2. How much? 3. ETA? Hopefully the image explains it nicely, but if not, I would like to be able to sell some stuff on my website, and have the money go to the added 'Paypal account email...
  12. Hornstar

    Microcart [Paid] [Deleted]

    Does this allow users to sell products themselves on my site and I take a percentage of the profit?
  13. Hornstar

    Scaling standard-sized ads in a responsive environment

    @wcbryant that could be it. I have 4 styles. 3 of them are all the same as those values. But my main style has 853px set for non-responsive minimum width. Although saying that when testing out the other styles, I still get the exact same thing happen as in the screen shot (and that screen...
  14. Hornstar

    Scaling standard-sized ads in a responsive environment

    @wcbryant I've installed this now. I have a couple of questions. Have I installed it correctly? I copied the code in both code boxes under extra.css into my extra.CSS and then created a HTML file with my 728 ad code in it and uploaded it to my server and then used code you gave and changed...
  15. Hornstar

    Scaling standard-sized ads in a responsive environment

    Thanks so much @wcbryant I will give this a go tonight. Also what did you mean by "has had no issue with it, but YMMV"
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