Recent content by Helmut2509

  1. H

    custom logfile?

    I would like to know if it is possible to create a custom logfile integrated in the tools->logs system. I want to store there important information coming from cronjobs.
  2. H

    Cronjob in batch mode?

    Normally a XenForo cronjob runs as a web application , but according to my sysadmin there are some serious drawbacks when such a job runs for a long time. So the job has to run in batch mode.
  3. H

    Cronjob in batch mode?

    In one of my XenForo-AddOns I implemented a cronjob, which runs more than one hour. the sysadmin told me, that for technical reasons such a job has to run in batch mode. any idea how this can be achieved?
  4. H

    Error at upgrading addOn

    I have three applications, which have the same addOn to be upgraded. With two of the applications, the upgrade works fine. But with the third application I always get the error: "Please enter a valid callback method (AvatarGallery_Listener::load_class)." On the page...
  5. H

    load class listener - not for static functions?

    I have written a listener to extend XenForo_Model_Avatar and in the extended class I have overwritten "public static function gravatarExists" . Surprisingly, the new function in the extended class is not called, but the function in the parent class. I suppose this is due to the fact, that the...
  6. H

    Cannot load class using XFCP

    I have to differenciate two cases: uploading an avatar from a gallery and uploading a user (custom) avatar. so I modified the function in the extended class public function canUploadAvatar($withCustomAvatar) { $uploadOk = ( $this->_user['user_id'] && $this->hasPermission('avatar'...
  7. H

    Cannot load class using XFCP

    thanx for the tipp. Now I have this code: public static function load_class($class, array &$extend) { if ($class == 'XenForo_Visitor') { $extend[] = 'AvatarGallery_Visitor'; } } ..and in the class AvatarGallery_Visitor I implemented a modified function of 'canUploadAvatar'. this...
  8. H

    Cannot load class using XFCP

    I have a function "load_class_controller" extending two classes, and a function load_class_view ,extending one more class. I already changed the execution order, but without any effect.
  9. H

    Cannot load class using XFCP

    I have created a listener with the following code: if ($class == 'XenForo_Visitor') { $extend[] = 'AvatarGallery_Visitor'; } ...the new class: class AvatarGallery_Visitor extends XFCP_AvatarGallery_Visitor -- However, I get this error: An exception occurred: Cannot load class using...
  10. H

    export / import of permissions

    thanx, I just missed this little detail.....
  11. H

    export / import of permissions

    I finally managed to extend the user group definitions by 'Permission Definitions'. But now I have to export the new settings to the staging server. As far as I can see, there is no export function (as with addOns), so how can I transfer the new stuff to the staging server?
  12. H

    add custom permission

    In my application the user can choose an avatar from a gallery and also upload a custom avatar. Now I want to implement a feature in the ACP which allows the administrator to grant / revoke permission for a certain user group to upload a custom avatar. I was thinking about extending the user...
  13. H

    Replacing xen:links by template hook?

    you mean, I should use the TMS addon?
  14. H

    Replacing xen:links by template hook?

    Is it possible to replace a {xen:link} in a template via template hook? I tried it...without success. So created a new template and replaced the link. This new template is activated on 'template_create'. But perhaps there is a possibility without creating a new template?
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