Recent content by Hellotoyou

  1. H

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from XenForo 1.4.10

    I haven't had time yet, but I hope I´ll have some time soon. :)
  2. H

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from XenForo 1.4.10

    Thank you! I have erlier read about upgrading to XF2 and then saw that it wasnt so easy. But I will try with a little help.
  3. H

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from XenForo 1.4.10

    Thank you for a quick answer!
  4. H

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from XenForo 1.4.10

    Thank you for your answer! I looked under List Add-on and I dont think I have any, it was blank under there. I not so very godd at this, I lern as a go :). How do I go about setting up a testforum?
  5. H

    XF 1.4 Upgrade from XenForo 1.4.10

    Hi! I havent upgraded my forum for a long time, and now I´m affraid that it will be difficult. I dont now how to begin more then to take a backup of the forum. Will it be compatible, what should I think about before I start? Any tip? Anne
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