Recent content by hanyuwomr

  1. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 issues with API and Curl PHP

    same issue with me { "errors": [ { "code": "requested_page_not_found", "message": "The requested page could not be found.", "params": [] } ] }
  2. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 API post thread with curl

    Really easy follow api of xenforo document.
  3. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.2 How can I create thread via API

    How can I create thread via API I try with curl : curl --location --request POST 'https://mydomani/api/threads/' \ --header 'XF-Api-Key: apikey' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Cookie: xf_csrf=2BhTuRMyMgJeLU--' \ --data-urlencode 'message=test' \...
  4. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.2 Reply to thread with API

    { "errors": [ { "code": "api_disabled", "message": "The API has been disabled by an administrator.", "params": [] } ] } This is my massage
  5. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.2 Reply to thread with API

    I build a mobile app . And user want to reply into thread. then I will call api for update data for thread . I read about data in here but I can't do it API Xenforo 2.2 Have any dev help me for that. Thanks.
  6. hanyuwomr

    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid]

    I've alreay buy it. how can i test it
  7. hanyuwomr

    AMP for XenForo 2.2

    too expensive
  8. hanyuwomr

    Implement AMP Project framework

    We also need AMP
  9. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 Folder "internal_data/attachments" and "data/attachments" is same ?

    I don't understand why in "internal_data/attachments" always have a ".data" file. we can rename it the same extension file in folder "data/attachments". Example: when we post an image with the extension ".jpg" you can see 2 files in "internal_data/attachments" and "data/attachments" but a...
  10. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 [Error] Cannot show image in forumns

    i already do it but not running .
  11. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 [Error] Cannot show image in forumns

    How can i fix it ( i must be go back default config ) .
  12. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 [Error] Cannot show image in forumns

    But why in dashboard admin we still see the image ?
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