Recent content by Godzilla

  1. Godzilla

    Marketplace selling

    I'm seeking a plugin that enables others to vend items on my website, where you earn a percentage from each sale.
  2. Godzilla

    Add-on Game Server Integration

    true I like what he was going to be doing but now he's not doing it now rip us
  3. Godzilla

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    is this plugin lifetime with all the new updates?
  4. Godzilla

    XF 2.1 Where can I download the default Xenfor 2.1 Style?

    yeah I did that and I still get the same error
  5. Godzilla

    XF 2.1 Where can I download the default Xenfor 2.1 Style?

    I'm saying when I try to get the default style get that error
  6. Godzilla

    XF 2.1 Where can I download the default Xenfor 2.1 Style?

    I get this XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1364]: Field 'th_iau_profile_id' doesn't have a default value in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 228 XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 196 XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->getException() in...
  7. Godzilla

    Good job on Staff

    Good job on Staff
  8. Godzilla

    the good stuff

    the good stuff
  9. Godzilla

    want some cookies

    want some cookies
  10. Godzilla

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    nvm i got it working
  11. Godzilla

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    That in the bot for discord right
  12. Godzilla

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    how do I fix this no one can integrate their Discord account
  13. Godzilla

    Add-on Game Server Integration

    @silence hey any new on this?
  14. Godzilla

    Duplicate xenforo 2 about uninstalling add-ons easier to tell what file to remove from your root

    or a folder that says this is the item you about their permanently delete
  15. Godzilla

    Duplicate xenforo 2 about uninstalling add-ons easier to tell what file to remove from your root

    you guys should Implement something where you click on addon uninstall or an option where says delete the addon permanently from your file like root folder
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