Recent content by FrankHeijden

  1. F

    XF 1.5 Template broken?

    heya, so this happened to my forum after i reverted some outdated templates to their default ones. Is there a way to fix this? The spots covered in red are the weird things happening; my forum has always its loading icon in the top right; and the forumstyle is not loading correctly. Also, i...
  2. F


    Thanks, worked :) Also, how do i decrease the size of the logo image in the navigation bar when you’re viewing the mobile version of the site?
  3. F


    Heya, How can i achieve this on my forum? This is on my forum list; And this is on my xenporta homepage; Hope you can help!
  4. F

    XF 1.5 Email error?

    Email error on XenForo 1.5, trying to setup an "OVH emailpro" account with XenForo, gives this error in the admin panel: Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to failed: 5.7.60 SMTP; Client does not have permissions to send as this sender -...
  5. F


    Hey, i tried centering the logo of my site, but its now half fighting with the navigationbar. Is there any possibility of moving the nav bar down? Also, the centered version of my logo only applies to my homepage (using XenPorta) and not to the forums tab. In the forums tab its still assigned...
  6. F

    XF 1.5 Creating page nodes -- page not found?

    Thank you so much! Didn't know that was causing this issue :X3:
  7. F

    XF 1.5 Creating page nodes -- page not found?

    Heya, Im trying to create a page node in the node tree, and when i made a page with the url portion "test" (so it would be and i click on the button which redirects me to the page but all i get is a page not found error. I hope you...
  8. F

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    is there a way to get your version? :D
  9. F

    XF 1.0 The uploaded file is too large for the server to process

    Where is the php.ini located? same problem.
  10. F

    XF 1.5 transferring Xenforo to ubuntu 17.04

    Sorry for late answer, found the problem. URL portion was disabled on the apache2. Had to re-enable it :)
  11. F

    XF 1.5 transferring Xenforo to ubuntu 17.04

    Thanks, but it still isnt fixed. still the 404 error when i try to do Not Found The requested URL /forums/ was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.25 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443
  12. F

    XF 1.5 transferring Xenforo to ubuntu 17.04

    so it would be: chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/data and: chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/data_internal or do i completely mess it up then?
  13. F

    XF 1.5 transferring Xenforo to ubuntu 17.04

    which command should do that?
  14. F

    XF 1.5 transferring Xenforo to ubuntu 17.04

    Is there an explanation on for how to do that?
  15. F

    XF 1.5 transferring Xenforo to ubuntu 17.04

    Hello all, Recently i have been trying to transfer Xenforo and all its files to my new VPS, but it isn't working properly. The home page displays normally, but when you try to click on the e.g. 'Forums' Navigation tab, it won't let you acces it with the 404 error page not found. I have looked...
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