Recent content by ForumDevs

  1. ForumDevs

    Limited Guest Viewing [Paid]

    Hi David, Could you please add IP tracking? Currently, it is possible to bypass the guest limit by opening a new web browser session in incognito mode.
  2. ForumDevs

    How to escape Microsoft blacklisting?

    It seems that the domain is not blacklisted. Since the website is not accessed through a proxy, I obtained the server's IP address, and it isn't blocked either: Having said this, I think some DNS records could be missing...
  3. ForumDevs

    How to escape Microsoft blacklisting?

    Hi, Getting blacklisted by Microsoft can be tricky. Here are a few quick tips: Check Your IP and Domain: Make sure your IP address and domain aren’t listed on any blacklists. We use Review Email Practices: Ensure your emails aren’t being marked as...
  4. ForumDevs

    User list washed out when searching 2.2.15

    They are users who don't have a valid user state:
  5. ForumDevs

    Is this good UI design ? (example - content starts 11 areas down

    The problem with XF is that it is developed entirely by developers, with no UI/UX designers on the team. The user experience could be significantly improved if UI/UX designers were involved in the development process.
  6. ForumDevs

    XF 2 Need Developer

    We'll reach you shortly.
  7. ForumDevs

    Post Content Find / Replace

    We just had to replace a few broken youtube links so these are the settings we used: Quick Find: video=youtube Regular expression: #\[video=youtube;([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\]http[^\[]+\[/video\]#siU Replacement String: [media=youtube]\1[/media
  8. ForumDevs

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    We had the same issue a few days ago. It is related to the SSL certificate generated by cPanel which triggers an error (check your DNS records) because if one of them fails then the site loads another cPanel account on the same server. Just make sure that AutoSSL successfully creates all the SSL...
  9. ForumDevs

    XF 2 Looking for coders

    Hi Ozzy, Yes, we do. However we haven't received any details about the work that needs to be done.
  10. ForumDevs

    XF 2 Looking for coders

    We are interested in those projects. I'll send you a private message right away.
  11. ForumDevs

    Link Checker for XenForo 2.x by AddonsLab [Paid]

    You can do that using mysql queries
  12. ForumDevs

    Add-on any add-on for dating? people matching?

    We can develop this addon for you if you are interested. Send me a DM if that's the case.
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