Recent content by Felomeno

  1. Felomeno

    XF 1.3 Getting specific user on a template

    I want to print the username ({$visitor.username}) but of a specific user (let's say ID: 12345) So I want everyone on the forum to be able to see user 12345 username. Is there any easy way to do this?
  2. Felomeno

    Post Content Find / Replace

    I'm having trouble with these guys Capítulo 1:El Autobot Spike Capítulo 2:Cambiando a Gears Capítulo 3: La ciudad de acero Capítulo 4:El ataque de los Autobots So far this is what I've trid with no luck Quick Find: marca Regular expression...
  3. Felomeno

    Hey Mike. Is there any way to avoid this? I can keep adding...

    Hey Mike. Is there any way to avoid this? I can keep adding line breaks.
  4. Felomeno

    [PCN] Spotify BBCode

    Is there a way we can now do this as a Custom BB Code with xF 1.3?
  5. Felomeno

    XF 1.3 Templates creating unexisting tags

    Hey Mike. I don't think it's a template modification. We just have 3 of them and I disabled all of them. The issue is still there. Also, it's not only on that route. It's also in /personal-details and /alerts and some others. This is other weird thing happening: I checked the account_wrapper...
  6. Felomeno

    XF 1.3 Templates creating unexisting tags

    Hi. I have found that the templates are creating sometimes an "unexisting" <a></a> tag and it causes my style to display incorrectly. The error is just showed to logged in members. <ul class="tabs"><a> </a><li class="active"><a></a><a href="members/">Most Messages</a></li> <li...
  7. Felomeno

    XF 1.3 Editor Toolbar, Spoiler BB Code and MultiQuote

    Is there a way I can change the tag for the spoiler? Instead of use another word?
  8. Felomeno

    XF 1.2 Get a Custom User Field in PAGE_CONTAINER

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to change something in the PAGE_CONTAINER template depending on the value of a custom user field. I'm checking the value in the same way I've done it before: <xen:if is="{$user.customFields.pageWidth}"> <div>it works</div> </xen:if> But it's not working, it seems...
  9. Felomeno

    XF 1.2 Query for likes in threads/posts

    Can anyone help me to get a query that returns a list of the likes a particular user received? For example, I want to search on all my posts, and get a list of users mapped to the post they liked. Is this possible? I'm not sure how the likes are stored on the db, so I really have no clue if I...
  10. Felomeno

    Limit likes / reactions

    If not this (that I think is a good idea), then it must be a way to control the likes given by a user. There are a lot of ways to abuse the system, and there is no way you can manually delete a like.
  11. Felomeno

    XF 1.2 Auto bann after certain infraction points

    I tested this, I warned a user with 3 points (the threshold) and the user was banned (everything ok so far). After a few days the warning points expired (and so the ban), and I gave the user a 1 point warning, and it's banned again. It seems that the warning action is using both the expired...
  12. Felomeno

    XF 1.2 Fatal Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

    The problem is that it contains 2955 images, most of them gifs, 800,000 chars is not a big issue to show threads (editing will probably throw 502 error) but 2955 images... You should try this: update xf_post set message = REPLACE(message, '[IMG]', '[*IMG*]') where post_id = 708153 And then you...
  13. Felomeno

    XF 1.2 502 Bad Gateway

    Hello Mike, I'm definitely on 1.2.1. I'll be doing more debugging in the morning as there are a lot of users on the site right now. Will get back to you then. Here's another error 2013/09/05 13:01:45 [error] 27692#0: *2973910 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response...
  14. Felomeno

    XF 1.2 Remove Silent Edit

    Hello, can you tell me how can I remove the Edit Silently option for members that are not admin? Thanks.
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