Recent content by feldon30

  1. feldon30

    Hide empty albums from media/albums

    Just ran into this today. Seems like a good checkbox to add to not show albums with 0 items.
  2. feldon30

    Why /upload?

    Interesting. I was trying and failing to think of benefit to the /upload structure. As for # of downloads/uploads per client, the default setting for proFTPd server is 4 per IP address. I increased it to 6. Maybe I should increase it further? 50 seems extreme though.
  3. feldon30

    Why /upload?

    "There are a million ways to work around this eccentricity." Once I get this forum upgraded from 1.5 to 2.2 this problem goes away. It's just been odd to see the adherence to a directory structure that makes no sense to me. There's nothing above the /upload directory except a text file telling...
  4. feldon30

    Why /upload?

    Unzipping the upgrade package ZIP over top of your live install (public_html et al.) is mechanically identical to uploading the unzipped package on top of your live install with FileZilla which is the officially supported and recommended method, except it takes 3 seconds instead of 20-30...
  5. feldon30

    How to Import from [xfr] User Albums?

    As info, this is the #1 Google search result for "xenforo XFR user albums convert to Media Gallery" Step 1 (while still on XenForo 1.x): Buy and install XF Media Gallery. Step 2: Install XF Media Gallery. Step 3: Import External Data [xfr] User Albums into XF Media Gallery. Step 4: Uninstall...
  6. feldon30

    Why /upload?

    I've been with XenForo since vBulletin 3.5 days, although I don't have as many licenses as I'd wish. Since the point of XenForo is to reevaluate everything and not just carry the same habits forward because that's how we've "always done it" can we have a conversation about packaging? Can I ask...
  7. feldon30

    Implemented Ensure compliance as a Progressive Web App

    Don't forget GDPR, Cookies, Notifications, Location Services, Newsletter signup, etc.! And this doesn't even mention the content jumping around constantly through JavaScript chicanery to try to get you to click on ads which have just appeared where content used to be. Or you have to scroll...
  8. feldon30

    Implemented Ensure compliance as a Progressive Web App

    As for the "every website needs to have an app", f- Reddit and every other website that insists on my installing their app which then just displays the content in a web UI anyway. Apps = silos.
  9. feldon30

    Implemented Ensure compliance as a Progressive Web App

    Google did not create AMP out of the goodness of their own hearts. Google created AMP because they want YOUR content on THEIR servers with THEIR ads and analytics. Why are users flocking to AMP? Because most websites look like this on a phone (with thanks to the Oatmeal): If your website...
  10. feldon30

    XenFORO meaning

    Xen- as a prefix means foreign or different. Foro is Spanish/Italian for forum. It also kind of sounds like "different 4" as XenForo was what vBulletin 4 was supposed to be if the team had been allowed to rewrite the software from scratch.
  11. feldon30

    [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    In the process of installing this and the handshaking process between my site and Discord, I had major server problems. As a result the handshaking process did not complete and so the Discordapp "invite" link is not set correctly. Is there any way to re-run this handshaking process or manually...
  12. feldon30

    Add-on Gallery Add On That Pulls Images From Main Forum

    Maybe XenForo 2 will crack open the lead sarcophagus that currently encases Attachments a bit and enable addons like the Media Gallery to exhibit them in all the interesting ways they can currently display uploaded media. Right now, Attachments are a remote island that can only be navigated to...
  13. feldon30

    can you put adsense on here

    Not only can you add Adsense, but there are specific Templates set aside just for you to paste the code for the top of the page, after the first post, etc.
  14. feldon30

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    The vBulletin (and now XenForo) development team have generally been against publishing any kind of roadmap for over a decade. Actually they have provided more info leading up to XF2 than I expected.
  15. feldon30

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Have you even TRIED to search Facebook?
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