Recent content by Feanor_87

  1. Feanor_87

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Does anyone know how to set Xenporta as the default index page? Right now I have the homepage going to but I want the portal to be I setup Xenforo in a /forums directory so it's not in the root directly.
  2. Feanor_87

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Does somebody know how to get the topics/articles to looks like 8wayrun? Like here: I did the 2 template edits and been reading the entire thread, but i can't figure out how to do it Also, how do you get...
  3. Feanor_87

    XF 1.2 Help changing the colors for this

    I've been trying to find where to edit these particular spots, but I can't find it. (The part in white) I downloaded a Firefox addon called firbug, but I can't find anything to add in EXTRA.css that changes that part.
  4. Feanor_87

    XF 1.2 Help editing this particular text

    Thanks, it worked and great add-on too.
  5. Feanor_87

    XF 1.2 Help editing this particular text

    I downloaded the add-on and tried it out, but not exactly sure what I'm looking for :/ It shows the font color, but I still don't know where to go to change it (copying the code and changing the color doesn't seem to work either)
  6. Feanor_87

    XF 1.2 Help editing this particular text

    Can someone help me identify where to edit the replies/views text color in the discussion list? Here
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