Recent content by EternalFury

  1. E

    Aurora - [Deleted]

    Any idea if and when this theme will be updated to use the latest templates?
  2. E skins now available

    You may think my statement was extreme, but you should measure the difference before you put me in the loony bin. Actually, images, if hosted correctly, rarely get downloaded more than once, so their impact on page rendering is not as large as you would imagine. And, obviously, images can add a...
  3. E skins now available

    Rounded corners are the plague of Web browsers when it comes to performance. Do you plan to design a style that would not use them?
  4. E

    The only thing I don't like...

    That's user feedback for you! :D The only thing I know is that when I need to do something, I never quite know where in the GUI I am going to find an answer. I wish I could say "make this blue and you're done", but sometimes an impression is all you have to go by.
  5. E

    The only thing I don't like...

    It's the admincp, I don't think it's convenient or well presented.
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