Recent content by ☪דURQ℧ISH_KO℧ℤℤIIN™

  1. Duplicate Addition of Font Awesome V5 in CMS

    Hello to all I submit you an idea of suggestion to propose of me improvement on CMS before going farther I am anxious to inform you that I am of French origin. Being in the habit of using Awesome on make them CMS I saw that a new version are made taken(brought) out Awesome V5 is updated, it...
  2. XF 1.5 Problem with [8wayRun.Com] XenUtiles (Backup) does not perform any actions

    Hello every time I try to use the add-on following [[8wayRun.Com] XenUtiles (Backup)] it tells me that "the specified backup directory does not exist or is not writable" What should i do i try to put it in the data / saves file i have to program the cron but kidney to do it does not want to...
  3. [8WR] XenUtiles (Backup) PRO [Paid]

    Hello every time I try to use it it tells me that "the specified backup directory does not exist or is not accessible in writing" what must I do I try to put it in the folder Data / saves I reparameter the cron but kidney spot to do it does not want to work.
  4. XF 1.5 Create several button

    Hello, I am of origin French this is a translation via google taduction I would like create a button xenforo in order to places them dimensioned smiley I would like to include there the member banished, and the ranking of the people which takes part has the conversation of the shoutbox How...
  5. XF 1.5 Problem to use URL rewriting & error on pages when this is enabled

    Hello, I have a problem with the rewrite of url, before posting this message I contacted my hebrgeur who confirmed to me that the rewriting of the url was possible in them (1 & 1) so I put xenforo for a long time, but during the Configuration of the rewrite it causes me various worries...
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