Recent content by Duncan

  1. Duncan

    XF 1.1 Bots online now

    I read in a few older topics that with 1.1, search bots will show up on the online list as Google or Yahoo instead of as a guest. I'm wondering if this ending up making it into 1.1, and how I would go about enabling it? Thank you.
  2. Duncan

    Need a hand with mod_rewrite

    I have folders on my website, which is the default address. However I want to have it rewritten to so it looks a little cleaner in the url. I'm only assuming mod_rewrite is the proper way to do this, so any help would be greatly...
  3. Duncan

    XF 1.1 Notices

    The notice system looks great. I love the new changes to the trophies too. Great work guys.
  4. Duncan

    ragtek dont toward users postcount in special forums

    Works great so far, very useful to have on my forum.
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