Recent content by Dragapult

  1. Dragapult

    What benefits you gained from AI

    Mainly summaries of long articles. Or to help rewrite some of my text.
  2. Dragapult

    Invision community Vs Xenforo

  3. Dragapult

    Invision community Vs Xenforo

    UBB.threads still costs more. Over $700.
  4. Dragapult

    Invision community Vs Xenforo

    Because different products exist for different people. It's not hard to understand. This is like asking why Jack in the Box competes against McDonald's when they are much smaller.
  5. Dragapult

    Who's old enough to remember the 80s?

    I remember 1953.
  6. Dragapult

    Trump’s Tariffs

    None of this will happen. It’s a nice theory but in practice corporations will build wherever is cheapest. And it’s not America. If tariffs worked like people believe, they’d be in place 24/7. They’re not.
  7. Dragapult

    Poll Bee

    Not the bees!
  8. Dragapult

    Why is XenForo so expensive

    You can tell from their Avatar and low quality posts in various threads the type of person they are. Or bot. Hard to say. They’re the best example of Poe’s Law here.
  9. Dragapult

    Earthquake in the usa

    3.9 is barely strong enough to be felt.
  10. Dragapult

    What would you do?

    Another thing I'd add is being proud of your ignorance is what leads to these issues in the first place. Here's an idea: talk to these protesters. Ask what they are protesting. Learn why. Politics is (or should be) about compromise and balance. The idea is every group is able to have a little...
  11. Dragapult

    Serious ? to UK folks.

    Good. I believe that was the Kenneth Fire, which was contained some days ago.
  12. Dragapult

    What would you do?

    So you're not even taking the time to learn why people are protesting, and why they might feel the way they do? So not only are you angry and bitter, you're extremely ignorant because you won't even take the time to learn about opposing ideas and viewpoints. It's very sad that people like you...
  13. Dragapult

    What would you do?

    So "the way things should be done" is physically ramming through people? Oh, I'm sorry, you meant "freaks." People who don't share your beliefs are freaks? Why stop there? Why not just murder people you don't like? Then they'll be out of your way for good. So my takeaway is you're an extremely...
  14. Dragapult

    What would you do?

    In what way? Where I live, people scream and shout all day long about things they believe in. They want me to sign this and sign that. Sometimes they'll run for local office and try to get some legislation enacted. Sometimes it's successful, most of the time it's not. That's called living in...
  15. Dragapult

    Trump’s Tariffs

    You don't want a thread that is inherently about politics to be political? What were you expecting when you made this thread?
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