Recent content by Douglas

  1. Douglas

    Implemented Thread Tagging

    When you consider IPB is around a decade old, and is about to include tags... and XenForo is looking to put out a release including tagging in October (Around a year after the first beta) then I think 'not too long' is a pretty safe comment to make :p
  2. Douglas

    Osama Bin Laden is dead!!

    I imagine killing a terrorist is like killing any gang member, their death will need to be avenged. I guess the repercussions will play nicely into the hands of the Americans though. Which oil-rich nation can the military toy with next?
  3. Douglas

    Does Wordpress have a good Shopping Cart ?

    Not released yet, but i'm keeping my eyes on at the moment.
  4. Douglas

    [Paid Request $100] Dynamic Amazon Links

    While you're waiting for a proper mod, i'll share the temporary solution I found - It's better than nothing until something better arrives.
  5. Douglas

    Wordpress Dynamic Theme - WPXenCSS

    Awesome, I look forward to it!
  6. Douglas

    Wordpress Dynamic Theme - WPXenCSS

    I'm interested in how you fixed the avatar display issue, does it support users who have a gravatar that isn't hosted locally now too? I got mine working for local avatars by changing function getAvatar($userId,$size) { $avatar_path = "../forum/data/avatars/" . $size . "/0/" . ($userId-2) ...
  7. Douglas

    BBC iPlayer

    Brian Cox is a legend, I love his passion. ...and his life before his PhD :D
  8. Douglas

    Wordpress Dynamic Theme - WPXenCSS

    Daniel, I solved it by adding wp_deregister_script('jquery'); to the bottom of header.php in the themes folder. So <?php /* Always have wp_head() just before the closing </head> * tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which * generally use this hook to add elements to...
  9. Douglas

    Change username [Paid] [Deleted]

    This looks really useful! Is it possibly to display the past usernames people have used on a users profile? (If it keeps a history already, I guess this is do-able pretty easily?) On ipb it looks like: Personally I think users should get the choice of changing their name, but I like there to...
  10. Douglas

    XF install stuck on "Rebuilding...Core Master Data"

    Java that you download from Sun and JavaScript have nothing to do with each other, so you can shift any attention away from that being the issue :)
  11. Douglas

    Wordpress Dynamic Theme - WPXenCSS

    I'd literally just finished playing with the footer before I read your post so they were fresh in my mind, I wouldn't have first thought that's where they would be either :P One more tiny thing i've noticed in footer.php <li><a href="/..<?php echo $WPXC_xenforo_path...
  12. Douglas

    Wordpress Dynamic Theme - WPXenCSS

    footer.php around line 54 you should find the end of the menu, simply a case of adding additional items as needed. Great work bambua :) The only thing i've changed is to edit the urls (eg from index.php?help/terms to /help/terms) to make the homepage links consistent with my forum. I've...
  13. Douglas

    Listen This Post

    Thanks, this looks like it could be useful! One small thing, Escucha este post doesn't translate exactly. In English it should be 'Listen to this post' not 'Listen this post' :)
  14. Douglas

    No difference in forum profile?

    There will be, but the beta has only just gone live it'll be coming soon i'm sure :)
  15. Douglas

    Support Forum?

    A Licensed Members usergroup was mentioned, and you'll see from the customer area you can set a few different forum usernames to gain access to the customer-only forums. I'm sure it's somewhere on the massive list of things they're trying to accomplish as soon as possible ;)
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