Recent content by donscream

  1. donscream

    CODE Box Parser - Rich Text as Default [Deleted]

    how to add languages... because i need lua cfg
  2. donscream

    XF 2.0 Error whilst upgrading xenforo (cookies_required_to_use_this_site)

    also problem of not using [ https:// ] was at least in my case
  3. donscream

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    anyone idea about this issue i have this is what i have as settings And yes i have a guild ID but removed it for the image and this is what i have on the discord
  4. donscream

    XF 2.0 Custom user fields [hidden for users]

    hi, Maybe its out there somewhere but i can't find it so i will ask here..... i have made a section But i want this to be hidden for normal users and that only admin can see this..... And i mean not though the admin panel but just on the forum..... So my members can enter there Steam ID and...
  5. donscream

    [HA] Download Loading Page

    and can this be made for resources ? I like the functions u have made but as a guy said in your review.... it would be awesome if this can work in resource :)
  6. donscream

    [n] Custom HTML Page (for homepage)

    ow din't know i just try to install it on 1.5 and was getting error so i thought let's share the fix XD
  7. donscream

    [n] Custom HTML Page (for homepage)

    maybe change <xen:require css="acomhomepage.css /" to <xen:require css="acomhomepage.css" />
  8. donscream

    (CSI/XF/BBC) Highlight.js

    btw dit you know that you can replace: <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(function csiJS_bbCodeSource(){var bbCodeWrapper='div.bbCodeSource';var bbCodeTag='pre code';jQuery(bbCodeWrapper).find(bbCodeTag).each(function(i,e){hljs.highlightBlock(e)});});}); </script> By...
  9. donscream

    XF 1.4 how to add features style xenforo

    is this not really a question u can ask ehren on XenFocus He always help with his products so much as he can with a big smile. :)
  10. donscream

    XF 1.5 Two-Step Verification and Security Improvements

    Nice one security updates are always good. This small things make XenForo a great forum engine
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