Recent content by doncog

  1. D

    XF 2.1 After deleting and rebuilding parent node, torrents automatically hide themselves

    I can do that. I've pm'd you an account with some examples of the problem and links.
  2. D

    XF 2.1 Sending mail in large numbers

    Is there a way to send to multiple usernames under User Criteria? I tried separating with a comma and a space, but it seems the only way is to send to one username at a time, otherwise it says 'No users matched the specified criteria.' I searched for a solution but this thread was the only one...
  3. D

    XF 2.1 Bonus Points Setting

    In an old 2015 thread "Bonus is gained by seeding the torrents. User gets 0.2 points for 30 mins of seeding. User can use bonus points to increase their ratio" With no new discussion on the subject, I haven't been able to find how to change this ratio of point to seeding time. There's reason...
  4. D

    XF 2.1 After deleting and rebuilding parent node, torrents automatically hide themselves

    As the title says, I deleted and am rebuilding a node of about 200 child threads, all torrents. When I upload a torrent, I'm finding some of the oldest torrents are automatically hiding themselves. They can still be downloaded on the index page through clicking the download button, but are only...
  5. D

    XF 2.1 Top 10 Torrents permission

    So there's no way to filter the content being shown in the Top Ten so both groups can use that navigation tab? This is the only navigation tab that shows user group 2 content to group 1.. So I'll put in the Display Condition with "(x)" being the title of the user group? Thanks for the reply
  6. D

    XF 2.1 Top 10 Torrents permission

    Reposting in correct board. For two different user classes, 1 & 2, content is hidden from class 1, except in the Top 10 Torrents public navigation. Here class 2 torrents are being shown their hidden content to user class 1. This seems to be the only leak, and I don't know how to fix it, so for...
  7. D

    Living out of my Toyota Tacoma, full-time, while traveling North and South America

    Thanks for the vid, greatly detailed.
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