Recent content by Dismounted

  1. Dismounted


    Just thought I'd chime in to let you all know I'm still here! Just a bit busy...
  2. Dismounted


    Thanks for pointing those things out, @Shelley. Looks like I better pony up the cash to get myself a copy of XenForo 1.2, haha. :)
  3. Dismounted


    Try dropping the table 'xf_mood' from the database again, and also check and remove the column 'mood_id' from 'xf_user'. These should have been removed automatically if the uninstall procedure was followed.
  4. Dismounted


    The error you receive seems to be some sort of Javascript one. My best guess is some sort of conflict/broken JS from the forum style used, from another modification, or from XenMoods itself. Clearing the cache and using the default style could see if the style is the issue. Testing if it is...
  5. Dismounted


    Is this happening to others on your forum? And only in (what appears to be) Firefox?
  6. Dismounted


    Also, for those of you interested, you can now track (and contribute!) changes to the add-on through GitHub if you like. I uploaded my local repository yesterday. All the old local commits are uploaded as well, so you can look back through the history too...
  7. Dismounted


    Yeah, sorry, cleaned up the way template hooks work when I expanded it to remove the template edits that used to be required. To disable each hook through the file (and not through the style interface), add "/*" before the "case", and "*/" after the "break", like so: /*case...
  8. Dismounted


    It's in the left hand side navigation on the page you see when you initially log in to the Admin CP.
  9. Dismounted


    DROP TABLE xf_mood; ALTER TABLE xf_user DROP mood_id; DELETE FROM xf_content_type WHERE content_type = 'mood'; DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field WHERE content_type = 'mood'; DELETE FROM xf_news_feed WHERE content_type = 'mood'; All this can be seen in /Library/XenMoods/Uninstall/Data/MySql.php.
  10. Dismounted


    Auto margins did not work predictably in all browsers. XenForo uses a container within a container, and the Chrome (IIRC) DOM positions it differently. That is why it has been hard-coded.
  11. Dismounted


    Looks good like that - I'll change the amount of columns in the next release.
  12. Dismounted


    I think it was something to do with the XF overlay system being really picky. It's probably changed though, I'll have a look when I get the chance.
  13. Dismounted


    I've always thought about it, but didnt want to limit the length of the moods. I'll probably add a change to get rows of 4 in the next release (whenever that is!). I do like the nearly-perfect selection border around moods in rows of 5's though!
  14. Dismounted


    This one should work... <xen:if is="{$canViewMoods} && (({$user.mood_id} != 54 && ({$user.mood_id} || (!{$user.mood_id} && {$visitor.user_id} == {$user.user_id}))) || ({$user.mood_id} == 54 && {$visitor.user_id} == {$user.user_id}))">
  15. Dismounted


    This will be fixed in the next release, for new installations only. If you are running the add-on currently, you will need to rename the mood manually (through the Admin CP).
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