Recent content by DannyArts

  1. D

    XF 2.0 Fatal Error

    How would I go about fixing this?
  2. D

    XF 2.0 Fatal Error

    I keep getting a http 500 error when I try to view my forums. Ive checked the error logs and this is what it says is wrong. 'canonicalUrl' => $__templater->fn('link', array('canonical:forums', $__vars['forum'], $__vars['canonicalFilters'] + array('page' => $__vars['page'], ), ), false)...
  3. D

    XF 1.5 Email Confirmations Not Working

    How would I go about installing PostFix or SendMail?
  4. D

    XF 1.5 Email Confirmations Not Working

    Ive Been Struggling with this for along time. I just cannot find a fix for it. Can someone please help me. Error Info Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception: Email to failed: Unable to send mail. - library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Sendmail.php:137 Generated By: RubyIslandsBot, 4 minutes...
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