Daniel Hood
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  • Who woulda thought that showing who's online and their last activity (which has been around as long as I can remember) would cause such war?
    I'm surprised that you're surprised :)
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    I'm surprised that you're surprised I'm surprised :)

    No but seriously, people, amirite?
    Yes.. yes you are :D
    Actually, he has noticed this, but rule #10 excludes me from publically sharing here on XenForo what was said in the pm
    What's wrong with this? :o

    "This honestly doesn't effect me"
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    You choose to give me a hard time over effect instead of affect but leave alone the huge run on sentence I had within parenthesis?
    I usually look at things within parentheses differently. But yeah, I would have used periods, haha!

    How have you been, Daniel?
    Working on finishing [XenMods] Attachments, redoing Promoted Content, and then making a casino game and a link/image proxy extension.
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    Reactions: DRE
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Vague on purpose as far as the casino game ;)
    Hey, Daniel. What's the link/image proxy extension?
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Logs, show you where the links/images are being displayed. If someone spams a site link you can currently see it in the link proxy info but don't know where it's posted. Same with images.
    I see you've gone into the shadows again. :P
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    Reactions: DRE
    In any case, what have you been up to lately?
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    Just working, coding, and spending time with the fam. Working on redoing some of my addons (hashtags and promoted content next), finishing [XenMods] Attachments, and working on a couple new ones (a casino game and an extension for the image/link proxy system, being somewhat vague here).
    Sounds like fun! :)
    bcoz one of my friend delete me as iam ask to much
    and i as starter in php and for xenforo i just have many question so after what happen with him i just stop ask people and try to solve some problem by my self
    see this thread :p no one answer or post any thing but its the issue for me to be a xenforo developer or even to know how to work with it ^_^
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    I wouldn't block or remove you due to questions, especially ones involving error messages thrown by add on. As far as learning how to program, I can only recommend that if you don't know the basics of php already, you should start there. It will be very difficult to jump into just working on XenForo code as it's object oriented which is advanced.
    Daniel Hood
    Daniel Hood
    I recommend just reading tutorials online and playing with existing code to see what does what.
    iam now at the OOP stage in php , as i know same basic MVC also start work with CI frame works

    i work with other OOP ( Java )

    BTW iam Computer Eng i already study some programming lang ^_^

    the issue i have just hhhh dont know how to learn from reading even i dont read my university books :p
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