Recent content by Cryppptic

  1. C

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Hello my friends and brother, I am trying this widget system however my website does when enabled remove the sidebar completely, which seems strange to me. Thank you in advance for your help!
  2. C

    Creating custom user group banner CSS

    Hello, I have a little question. If I wanted to add a tiny symbol to the banner like a diamond for a donator so to say, how would one do that?
  3. C


    Yes I'd love that and try and experiment a little bit with it! :) EDIT: Right my friend with a lower resolution showed me how it looks if you do what I suggested. However isn't there a way to make sure there's a certain margin thingy in between Latest Post and the Forum Name and thus making it...
  4. C


    Thank you Mike.
  5. C


    Isn't it possible to reduce the size of the name of the forums, and thus making it work? I love ui.x a lot but I don't understand the reasoning behind all of the blank white space in the side-by-side style. :)
  6. C


    I posted this as an original thread but I didn't realize you're supposed to ask here since I'm new to using these forums. :) Does anyone have any clues, much appreciated! And if I'm not supposed to ask for help here, slap my wrists again!
  7. C

    XF 1.4 Aligning lastpost and forumname instead of having them above each other

    Yes, it's UI.X I should've said. Maybe you don't help with third party styles?
  8. C

    XF 1.4 Aligning lastpost and forumname instead of having them above each other

    Hello! I've been trying for some time to change how my forum looks from this: To this: All to make things look a bit slicker. I realized if you "inspected element" and removed from .node.level_1 .nodeLastPost the position: static thingy, this would be the case. However, I have no clue...
  9. C

    How to enable Image Magick?

    Thank you very much, it works brilliantly. Can mark as resolved or whatever. :P
  10. C

    How to enable Image Magick?

    Thank you! Do I have to clear any caches or refresh anything else to get it to work, by the way? Or add anything else to integrate it with XenForo? EDIT: Thanks, read the link. I've been trying to find a tutorial but didn't. Thanks! EDIT2: A little question, just before I'm done. For some...
  11. C

    How to enable Image Magick?

    Thank you! And for someone who isn't familiar with terms but usually can figure out with a simple instruction, how would you go about doing that?
  12. C

    How to enable Image Magick?

    Hey guys. I installed Image Magick on my dedicated box to make animated GIFs work on our forums. How is it enabled though and put it action? I can't seem to understand this? Thanks in advance.
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