Recent content by CrazyChef

  1. CrazyChef

    [FF] Classifieds Enhancements (+ Fixes)

    Yes. I understand. I just wasn't clear I guess. I already have the NixFifty addon, but was looking for something new because it's no longer supported. This enhancement is perfect for my purpose.
  2. CrazyChef

    [FF] Classifieds Enhancements (+ Fixes)

    This is wonderful - thank you! I was just searching for a replacement for the NixFifty classifieds and saw this addon. I'll download it right now!
  3. CrazyChef

    Classifieds [Paid]

    Did you ever figure this out?
  4. CrazyChef

    XF 2.2 Constantly Having To Login To The ACP

    Thank you Jamalfree - Varnish was the problem. In Cloudways, Xenforo is considered a custom PHP application and is not compatible with Varnish.
  5. CrazyChef

    XF 2.2 Constantly Having To Login To The ACP

    Thanks, but this is strictly an ACP problem. There are no problems using the front end. Thanks - I'll check this out right now. I know Cloudways recently did some sort of changes involving Varnish.
  6. CrazyChef

    XF 2.2 Constantly Having To Login To The ACP

    Heck, I can't even add a node - here's a screenshot of what I get when I try to add the new node:
  7. CrazyChef

    XF 2.2 Constantly Having To Login To The ACP

    Hey folks, I seem to have a problem with staying logged in to the ACP backend. Every time I click on any item in the ACP, I have to log in again. Constantly. I first noticed this maybe 2 weeks ago. Any idea(s) as to why this is happening? If it matters, I'm hosting on a Vultr HF server via...
  8. CrazyChef

    XF 2.2 Can I bulk update Nodes to change an option?

    Has anything like this been implemented yet? Or is there an addon? I'd really like to be able to edit multiple node's "Allowed thread types" in bulk.
  9. CrazyChef

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Okay, I have tried everything, and I just can't seem to get this error fixed with Xlink. I keep getting a directory error whenever I try to connect Xlink to WP: "Directory not found: /home/master/applications/my_database_folder/public_html" Disk Path...
  10. CrazyChef

    XF 2.1 Backing Up XF

    Could you let me know how this is done?
  11. CrazyChef

    XF 2.1 Backing Up XF

    No unfortunately. I have Sitegrounds new interface with"Site Tools" instead of cPanel. But it does have a section for cron jobs.
  12. CrazyChef

    XF 2.1 Backing Up XF

    I would like to do this, but am not familiar enough with the process to use it.
  13. CrazyChef

    XF 2.1 Backing Up XF

    I find it very odd that XF doesn't have an internal backup feature. Or am I missing something? Preferably to an external source, such as Backblaze.
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