Recent content by compwhizii

  1. compwhizii


    In what universe would an INSERT statement ever have a WHERE clause?
  2. compwhizii

    XenApi - An opensource web API for XenForo

    Sure. There's probably better ways to do that but the API can handle that.
  3. compwhizii

    XenApi - An opensource web API for XenForo

    That's not a general all purpose Web API though, and I don't see any security checks ever. You couldn't use that publicly without exposing private areas of your forum
  4. compwhizii

    XenApi - An opensource web API for XenForo

    Just some examples of output It's a Web API, it allows other applications to access data from a forum in a matter that is easily for automated applications. For example, every...
  5. compwhizii

    That's the point of trolling

    That's the point of trolling
  6. compwhizii

    XenApi - An opensource web API for XenForo

    I'd rather have it open source with multiple contributors then locked to me. As forsaken said if someone wanted it all they would have to do is ask someone with a license.
  7. compwhizii

    XenApi - An opensource web API for XenForo

    Not really designed for helping other mods, it's a Web API.
  8. compwhizii

    XenApi - An opensource web API for XenForo

    XenApi - A web API fit for XenForo XenApi is an attempt at building an open API for XenForo. Status Just started, basic thread and forum listing complete. Documentation real soon. Roadmap OAuth support Full posting support API Key management via AdminCP Documentation pages and example...
  9. compwhizii

    Implemented SSL / HTTPS Integration

    You could try proxying resources like github does
  10. compwhizii

    ragtek Add-ons Helper Framework

    It would make a load of sense for you to OSS and put this on a site like github so multiple people can contribute.
  11. compwhizii

    Mobile style discussion

    Right and how long has vBulletin been around for?
  12. compwhizii

    To developers: please do not change $templateName on template_create

    Unless you're changing the template intentionally due to some condition.
  13. compwhizii

    Twitter Authentication

    I need what error you get to do anything.
  14. compwhizii

    Twitter Authentication

    It's planned
  15. compwhizii

    [Already Exists] Disable signature viewing

    Can the users get an option to disable signatures? I really hate having to scroll past loads of crap, and 5 lines of text after a 2 word reply look silly.
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