Recent content by cmpe

  1. C

    XF 2.2 How is the z-index of editorrow in overlay mode set?

    Until I get a better understanding of how this mechanic works, I decided to apply this solution which seems a bit hacky. Add a new class selector with a higher z-index: .formSubmitRow--ztop { z-index: 1000; } Then in the template, I add this as a rowtype: <xf:submitrow submit="{{...
  2. C

    XF 2.2 How is the z-index of editorrow in overlay mode set?

    I have a custom addon where a user can click an edit link and it opens an overlay to edit that item like so: <a href="{{ link('item/edit', $item) }}" data-xf-click="overlay" data-cache="false" data-href="{{ link('item/edit', $item, $editParams) }}">...
  3. C

    XF 2.2 Getting new node ID in saveTypeData when creating new node?

    (well... as it often happens, as SOON as I post here I get an idea to try...) Was looking at FormAction.php to try to better understand the mechanics of how that worked and realized complete method gets called last. So adding this to my saveTypeData worked: if ($data->isInsert()) {...
  4. C

    XF 2.2 Getting new node ID in saveTypeData when creating new node?

    I am extending \XF\Admin\Controller\Forum in my addon with a one-to-one relationship between a Item entity and node. I have the relationship defined in both my custom entity as well as the node through nodeEntityStructure in the listener. When I extend saveTypeData() in...
  5. C

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Is there a way to enable the XF censor system on chat messages? Nevermind, it works fine.
  6. C

    XF 2.2 Quoting post results in wrong user/postlink but correct message

    Got a weird one that I'm still scratching my head on. Posting in case anyone else has something like this happen. Tried to find existing topics on this but this old XF 1.4 thread was the only one that seemed close...
  7. C

    XF 2.2 What's new for developers in XF 2.2?

    As someone that really cringed at depending on only template modifications in addons and after re-doing a bunch of template mods to take advantage of the extension system last night, I am floored by (forgive the oxymoron) the complexity and yet simplification of how we can make templates be...
  8. C

    XF 2.2 We can't extend the new ThreadViewData through XFCP?

    Hmm, thank you for the tip, that's interesting. Definitely ran into giving a page that is potentially blank issue and ended up using applyPostListFilters() to filter out the hightlisted post with $postList finder. Is that not what the post list filter is designed for? I am now curious what...
  9. C

    XF 2.2 We can't extend the new ThreadViewData through XFCP?

    Oh wait, nevermind. $postList is \XF\Finder\Post.... mistakenly assumed it was an array(collection).
  10. C

    XF 2.2 We can't extend the new ThreadViewData through XFCP?

    Thanks Mike, I try to "chase" the XF2 codebase to try to figure out how it's implemented in the core and try to mimic the core usage in my addon. Your comment helped me narrow down how to implement what I needed to do with highlightedPosts. (y) However, now I'm kind of confused about how...
  11. C

    XF 2.2 We can't extend the new ThreadViewData through XFCP?

    Ultimately I am trying to pin a post to a thread that is not the first post so I thought I could just extend ThreadViewData with a class extension but it doesn't seem to be working through XFCP. Is that by design?
  12. C

    XF 2.2 Overriding breadcrumb links?

    I had a thread a couple of weeks ago where I am overriding how link building for thread works using the router_public_setup code even listener: Now I thought I could use the same mechanism for...
  13. C

    XF 2.2 js help: updating after upload

    I actually found this in profile_banner.js and it looks simpler than the updateAvatars function but I am not exactly sure how this works? 😅 $thisBanner.trigger('profile-banner:refresh');
  14. C

    XF 2.2 js help: updating after upload

    Been studying how uploads are handled for avatars so I can implement my own image uploading mechanism for my custom entity. I think I've got all the backend code working but now getting stuck with the frontend/javascript part where after an upload is processed and image is on disk, I need to...
  15. C

    XF 2.1 Upload image file via <xf:form />

    @asprin is this the way the handle uploads separate from XF:Attachment entity? Are you storing the metadata about the uploaded file in a custom table?
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