Recent content by cheyennemtnman

  1. cheyennemtnman

    Node capabilities

    Just tried it by using Category... seems to work... Forum and sub forum moved into Archive category... By changing parent node... Now I would like to know if I can duplicate a node with all settings of the node to another node location but it would forums be blank. Possible?
  2. cheyennemtnman

    Node capabilities

    My thought here is the ability to retire a node and it's sub nodes annually... say to an node designated as achived Node... Keeping something like a timeline of discussions from year to year... having the same node structure in the current year as each of the retired nodes.. each year building...
  3. cheyennemtnman

    Node capabilities

    With your Node structure... is it possible to move an entire node to another node as a sub node? Can you you archive an entire node and it's sub nodes?
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