Recent content by ChadTheDJ

  1. ChadTheDJ

    Looking for a theme dev for our website

    I run a small minecraft community and one of its members (a graphic designer) made this theme that is attached via Photoshop. I am wondering if there is anyone out there who can to convert this to an xenforo theme? Unsure on our budget as we run off of donations, but if the price is right...
  2. ChadTheDJ

    If this user group coding

    I want to add some custom ways to display some templates however I don't know how to format this code. Can you please help me translate this from English to XenForo statements? If any user secondary group CODE If specific user secondary group CODE else if another user secondary group CODE...
  3. ChadTheDJ

    Advanced Styling Rules for XF1

    So I added this rule:―*―Yes―XFStop Mobile However its not redirecting to the template using my phone (iphone) unless I force change it to the mobile theme. Is there any troubleshooting steps?
  4. ChadTheDJ

    SQL injection help and prevention

    Yes I am running on 1.3 right now, and I attached the following add-ons. I am most likely going to disable it all but XenPortal (unfortunately it will change the site too much) and block file uploads as I know these people are more then capable on doing what they say if they find any holes. That...
  5. ChadTheDJ

    SQL injection help and prevention

    So my website which uses xenforo has been a target of heavy attacks for the last 3 weeks. I guess a hacker group has sworn to take my site down and will not stop until we are gone. I got the following message from our "friends" that they will be now using a SQL injection attack in 2 days and...
  6. ChadTheDJ

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I would really love to start using this portal plugin but every time I access the latestnews option I get this error: An exception occurred: Array to string conversion in /srv/www/ on line 1255...
  7. ChadTheDJ

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I am getting this error but confused what the issue is: Anyone know what could be the problem?
  8. ChadTheDJ

    Xen-TR Who Has Visited

    I see it like "load" with the loading bars where I place the code, then it ends up just disappearing. Would give more troubleshooting info, but I see nothing in the logs.
  9. ChadTheDJ

    XF 1.1 GetClicky send username support?

    Worked beautifully! Thank you very much! GetClicky instructions stated that you need to put this code in the footer, so I placed it in the footer template at the bottom.
  10. ChadTheDJ

    XF 1.1 GetClicky send username support?

    So GetClicky has the option to allow usernames to be tracked via there analytics system by using this code. Now with xenForo, how can you modify this code to only show up when someone is logged in and places the username in that variable? <script type="text/javascript">var...
  11. ChadTheDJ

    DISCONTINUED: [8WR] XenUtiles (Tools)

    I got this error installing: An exception occurred: Array to string conversion in /srv/www/ on line 1255 XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() strval() in XenForo/Model/Node.php at line 1255 XenForo_Model_Node->getNodeOptionsArray() in...
  12. ChadTheDJ

    Xen-TR Who Has Visited

    Same for me.
  13. ChadTheDJ

    jQuery Source - Mysqli prepare error

    You were right, I restarted the box and worked like a charm... so I must have been restarting the wrong service. Thanks for assisting me!
  14. ChadTheDJ

    jQuery Source - Mysqli prepare error

    I appreciate the help, I am already surpassing 2GB and 10 times the wait timeout without any luck. I assume this is not normal...
  15. ChadTheDJ

    jQuery Source - Mysqli prepare error

    I actually read those docs and really just confused me more. I am in control of my own server so I will have to make the changes. This is my current my.cnf file:
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