Recent content by Brightside

  1. Brightside

    callback MYSQL row data

    Do I need to do anything special to make with a widget? I've tried '[Advance] HTML & Template' and linking the template however it doesn't work. when I add the callback nothing shows and I get this error "The requested page could not be found." When I try to do a '[Advance] PHP Callback I get...
  2. Brightside

    callback MYSQL row data

    Thanks for the help katsulynx
  3. Brightside

    callback MYSQL row data

    Hello, I'm trying to recreate this using PHP Callbacks and Templates. However, I'm unclear how to echo the data within the template. My Callback <?php class bright_sa_sa { public static function serverteam(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract...
  4. Brightside

    XF 1.5 bbcode tag replacement

    Hello, I wondering if its possible to add another tag when making bbcodes. {text} and {options} are great and with a little jquery and PHP callback they can go a long way. However, I was wondering if its possible to add a {name} tag that will be replaced by the poster's forum name. ~cheers, Bright
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