Recent content by big-k

  1. B

    Lack of interest [Suggestion] Media Player and Database

    Folks, Dream's Mod was one of my favorites at VB. Is there a similar Mod for Xenforo?
  2. B

    [bd] Anonymous Posting

    Hi - Currently this is enabled in all forums by default, but I have close to 50 forums and only need it only for a couple of forms. So instead of disabling 50 times, is there a setting to disable globally in all forums? Then I can check only the ones I want.
  3. B The Octopus News Magazine Online

    I like the Tabs (Latest Posts, New Threads, etc). How did you achieve that?
  4. B

    Village Square

    Been running VB for years, now actively trying to convert to XF. The only major step remaining now is single-sign on with Joomla. Once that is in place, we'll switch. In the meantime, here's our test forum (work in progress) with our own own specific implementation of forum home. Base design...
  5. B

    XF 1.4 Extending StatusIcons

    PURRFECT. Take a look at my take on forum arrangement here. still work in progress ...
  6. B

    XF 1.4 Extending StatusIcons

    Hi Brogan, Here's what I was trying to get to. WHats wrong with this syntax? <xen:if is="{$thread.isNew}"><img src="new.png"> <xen:elseif is="!{$thread.discussion_open}"><img src="Closed.png"> <xen:elseif is="{$thread.reply_count} > 100"><img src="HOT.png"> <xen:elseif...
  7. B

    XF 1.4 Extending StatusIcons

    I'm sorry this is confusing. Where do I put that code? the template I'm editing is thread_list_item How do I write the syntax? No relevant example here : Sorry I know you're busy, but I'm new to this.
  8. B

    XF 1.4 Extending StatusIcons

    Hi, I'm creating a new XF forum to replace my current VB and will eventually port over. One thing I like in VB is the use of icons to indicate various status of the thread in question. So I would like to replace the first avatar with an Icon that depicts unread, thread with replies, hot...
  9. B

    XF 1.2 Implementing Unread Post Icons

    Something like this in your thread_list template? <xen:if is="{$thread.isNew}"> <img src="ICONxxx" > </xen:if>
  10. B

    joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates

    Any updates on this? This Joomla bridge is the only thing preventing my switch from VB4
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