Recent content by bashea11

  1. bashea11

    XF 2.1 Unable to disassociate a connected account

    Actually I needed to force disassociate. The disassociate button wasn't working. I ended up just getting it resolved by: Logging in to phpmyadmin Finding my database Finding the table "xf_user_connected_account" Searching for the connected account that needed to be removed and deleted it.
  2. bashea11

    XF 2.1 Unable to disassociate a connected account

    Hello, I'm having trouble with a connected account issue and I see no place to force remove the connected account from the acp. Is there any way I can remove the connected account. When I try to disassociate, it does nothing. I would ask the plugin developer but it takes about 4 months to get a...
  3. bashea11

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    It seems like I keep getting "An error occurred while connecting with Discord. Please try again later." when trying to connect or login with a Discord account.
  4. bashea11

    Looking for a secondary accounts, permission required custom user fields, or something of that nature.

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for a plugin that can meet the needs for my site. I like how Engine does their character system. Where you can specify a game, enter your class, level, and race, ect. I mainly plan to use this for the RP section of our site so people can really get descriptive without...
  5. bashea11

    XF 2.1 Is there a way to allow users to run a specific cron job themselves?

    Hello, I have both 8WR Discord integration and NixFifty Discord Integration and it seems like both of them are struggling to sync my users. I'm waiting on a reply from NixFifty, I know he said he had some personal things going on and Jaxel doesn't seem to know. It syncs the usergroup promotion...
  6. bashea11

    XF 2.1 Self Joined User Groups?

    I know this is a relatively older thread so I apologize for re-opening it but has anyone found an alternative to Join user Groups? Right now I use the user group promotions. The Group Membership Moderators looks good but it's not what I'm looking for unfortunately. I'm looking for something...
  7. bashea11

    XF 2.1 None of my cron jobs are running because of this error

    I don't quite understand this issue, I can't tell if it's Xenforo problems or issues with a ThemeHouse plugin, would anyone be able to assist me in analyzing this error? nvalidArgumentException: Unknown column first_react_users in src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php at line 206...
  8. bashea11

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    This is common, both of you need to thoroughly check if your information you put in to the plugin is correct. One number or letter off can cause the entire thing to mess up. Make sure your URLs are correct as well. For your issue on your discord not loading, make sure that your invite link is...
  9. bashea11

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    You need to host a bot via a server or your personal computer. The bot doesn't have to be online to update roles or push updates, it plays as a webhook ultimately. If you decide to have the bot online for other functions then that's a different story. Also yes, it's a pay once plugin. You have a...
  10. bashea11

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    After my users connect their discord account it seems like a few days later they automatically become unconnected, including myself. Is there any solutions? I don't see any errors or anything.
  11. bashea11

    [TH] Reactions [Deleted]

    I checked out the FAQ about the 'thtrending_positive_rating_count' error then did the rebuild on Rebuild add-on colums, and it's still appearing. Is there any solution? I installed Resource Manager and Media gallery after installing reactions and it seems like I'm totally stuck. Thanks...
  12. bashea11

    XF 2.0 Time and Date settings messed up. Any fixes?

    You know, oddly enough I think it updated over night. After checking my settings I went on the site and the times were wrong from when I last set them, after inspecting if the timezones are displaying correctly I adjusted the time to the proper amount and it's working. I appreciate your help. I...
  13. bashea11

    XF 2.0 Time and Date settings messed up. Any fixes?

    I replaced my time location to Chicago (My local time) and I'm trying to get my site on the same time
  14. bashea11

    XF 2.0 Time and Date settings messed up. Any fixes?

    Yeah I verified it with them and they claimed I was in Arizona USA. I went through and even added .htaccess lines for the date. Where would I find my phpinfo?
  15. bashea11

    XF 2.0 Solved

    Edit: Solved. I was editing the .txt file and not realizing it. My host had the .htaccess hidden. :LOL: forgive me for I am dumb
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