Recent content by Andrew

  1. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Generating password salt/hash with XF and auth with Java Program

    To whom it may concern, I know this is a very old topic. Over the years I've had a lot of people come find me and ask me how it was done. I open sourced my mmo game a long time ago. That being said my code is all on github. This code does this: 1. Downloads the xf user password blob 2...
  2. Andrew

    Node Icon

    Thank you, that worked :)
  3. Andrew

    Node Icon

    @WeaponOwl Thank you for the wonderful addon! I apprecaite it. Trying to bring artwork into my forum design to give it some more flare. Question, how can I put in some padding between the icon and forum title? Live Example:
  4. Andrew

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Hey guys Im having a problem figuring out how to add widgets to my homepage. I see how they are added everywhere else, but I can't seem to get any of them to show up on the homepage. (excuse the styling, still working on that) Also, I did review the official...
  5. Andrew

    XF 2.2 A few more things...

    Great job guys! Been following your progress on XF for 10 years now. Keep it up for another 10!
  6. Andrew

    XF 2.1 How to get RSS Feed?

    Here it is working: Thanks again! @Kevin
  7. Andrew

    XF 2.1 How to get RSS Feed?

    Thanks @Kevin I got it figured out :)
  8. Andrew

    XF 2.1 How to get RSS Feed?

    Hey guys, I am not very familar with RSS feeds, but I would like to be able to grab one on my forum. I have been programming a small game and I would like to publish announcement/news feed inside the game and was hoping RSS would be a good way to capture this information. This is the specific...
  9. Andrew

    How have you defeated the automated bot signups?

    Just wondering how the big boys do it :) I use my forum as my community and as the main user registration system for my game. We authenticate our game client against the XenForo database. What I would like to prevent, is the automated bot sign ups that plague all of us forum owners. Since our...
  10. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Generating password salt/hash with XF and auth with Java Program

    Alright here it is working! The game uses an SSL socket to make sure the details being sent across the wire are safe and secure. Then the users credentials are authenticated against the ones provided by XenForo :)
  11. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Generating password salt/hash with XF and auth with Java Program

    THANK YOU! Using the data from the xf_user_authenticate table worked! I had checked that table before, but I didn't know what a BLOB was, so I dismissed it. I downloaded the file and opened it to see its contents. Manually extracted the hash and it worked! Now that I have that going, I can do...
  12. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Generating password salt/hash with XF and auth with Java Program

    Hello! I am trying to authenticate user credentials against my XF database. I am using the library in java to check the secret key stored in the database. However my tests are failing. Here is the code: public static void main(String[] args) { //...
  13. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Authenticate user using XF database with java client/server program.

    I forgot to post the code from my test earlier. Here it is now. I will have a look at the serialization method you had posted. Thank you for letting me pick your brain. I will see what I can come up with and I'll post back :)
  14. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Authenticate user using XF database with java client/server program.

    Thanks for the replies guys! I tried the code @Chris D posted. However I am still getting a different hash. Check out what I have noticed. Password: password Foro Hash: $2y$10$lmgN7WV2//A.TA83N/K.EeGMwdh6h3HvaZm6ajxReLzqnPBS8a4T6 Java Hash...
  15. Andrew

    XF 2.0 Authenticate user using XF database with java client/server program.

    Hello all. I have a client/server program and I would like to authenticate users who are registered on my forum. I did some digging and wrote some code but my password hash is coming up different than the one stored in the database. Using the xenforo system as my base user system would allow me...
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