Recent content by _NANO_

  1. _NANO_

    XF 1.5 Secondary usergroups on profile

    Is fixed, I just didnt enter the "user banner text" info so nothing was showing for that reason, bah! :(
  2. _NANO_

    XF 1.5 Secondary usergroups on profile

    Hi, I did this before but now I cant remember how :( I need to show secondary usergroups in the user profile so, when someone post, all the usersgroups they are in, appear below their avatar. Any help please? Thanks!
  3. _NANO_

    What's new in the official add-ons (2.0)

    Yeah lol, I found that after my reply :D Maybe an Admin panel demo can be great ;)
  4. _NANO_

    What's new in the official add-ons (2.0)

    Any test/demo site?
  5. _NANO_

    [TH] Invitation [Deleted]

    None, I have Cpanel and in Errors Log I dont see anything related.
  6. _NANO_

    [TH] Invitation [Deleted]

    I need help! Since the update to 1.1.2 Im having this issue when the user fill the data and then click on register:
  7. _NANO_

    Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

    is this good for a forum where we want to close registrations and only allow new members who fulfill an application form with questions from the admin, then the admin can review the applications and only allow the ones he want?
  8. _NANO_

    User Mentions Improvements by Xon

    If any more users are interested in this please tell me and we maybe can arrange some group buy.
  9. _NANO_

    User Mentions Improvements by Xon

    Can anyone please tell me how to setup the board so by default every user get email when is tagged, also how I can enable this now for all existant members and future members. THANKS!
  10. _NANO_

    XF 1.5 alerts via email when user is tagged

    oh, I have email alerts running. I will check what addon is doing the job then, thanks!
  11. _NANO_

    XF 1.5 alerts via email when user is tagged

    Hi, can anyone tell me how to setup the board so every user already in the forum and every future user will get tag alerts via email (and also into the forum of course) please? Regards!
  12. _NANO_

    XF 1.5 Exporting thread titles from specific forum area

    But I need only thread titles, nothing more, and the rss show lot more info :(
  13. _NANO_

    XF 1.5 Exporting thread titles from specific forum area

    Hi, I need a plain text document with all the thread titles from specific forum area, how is possible to export this data? is there some addon for this? or how is possible via phpmyadmin? Im not good at sql. Sorry title is wrong, is EXPORTING, not importing.
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