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WordPress 3 Bridge


Well-known member

I have this little gem for you.This bridge simply recognize logged users from XenForo and allow them to post/comment in WordPress (permission configurable by mapping usergroups between the 2 systems)


  1. Put the "xenforo" directory in the package insides WordPress's "wp-content/plugins" directory.
  2. Activate the plugin from WordPress Dashboard.
  3. In WordPress Dashboard, go to Settings, then XenForo to configure plugin.
    1. You will have to put the XenForo Path. You can use absolute or relative path.
    2. Also, you have to put in your XenForo global salt. This salt is unique when you download XenForo, you can get in following the instruction in the plugin page. However, I recommend you to follow the second method: add a new line into your XenForo config.php (detail instruction available in the plugin page)
    3. Save Changes.
  4. You don't have to worry about misconfiguration, if that happens, the system will disable itself.
Somebody may worries how can they manage their WordPress after connecting it with XenForo.
The answer is simple: XenForo Administrative users will be WordPress's Administrator by default. You can change it later in WordPress Dashboard.

Supports are provided to installed people only. Oops, there's no "Install" button over here :D I was just kidding. Feel free to ask and suggest, I will try my best.

1. Problem with WordPress 3.0.4? Do a manual update instead of auto update and it should work just fine (even with old version of this)


so nice,

we have since 2 month all our articles from the **** vb-cms copyed to wordpress!

i will install it in the next hours! thank you

Off-topic, but is anyone willing to write some kind of a crash course on how to use WP together with XF? It's definitly an option I'd be interested in, but some real quick pointers on pitfalls to avoid when tying it to a forum would be most welcome.

Off-topic, but is anyone willing to write some kind of a crash course on how to use WP together with XF? It's definitly an option I'd be interested in, but some real quick pointers on pitfalls to avoid when tying it to a forum would be most welcome.

I put WP in the /blog/ dir
put the Blog tab in the navigation template
And............. done.
I put WP in the /blog/ dir
put the Blog tab in the navigation template
And............. done.

Thanks Floris. But then what? I am a complete and total WP noob. I'm actually not even sure whether it is for blogs or CMS (or both). How would I go about setting it up to do one (or both) of these functions?

Dankjewel :)
Ah ok ..

Go to your /blog/
and click on the right link "login"
since it's bridged, you can use your forum account
you get the backend, from where you can go and publish new posts.

Posts > new

give it a title and body, and click on "publish"
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