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WordPress 3 Bridge

Sorry bridges are a bit new for me....

Does this bridge handle only member info or does it let xenforo handle the comments left from wordpress posts?
That directory contains the files needed for the Wordpress plugin, it has nothing to do with your XF installation - you have to manually define the path to your XF in the options. :)
Wowwwww.... This was on my To-Do list as well!

COol.. now this has raised the bar for me and i would probably have XF live much much sooner than I thought!

Thanks xfrocks! And I must say, this site now really feels like a community! Haven't had this feeling for a long long while on the many forums i am a member of!
Okay, brain dead here when it comes to these particular issues...
I have both my WP and XF on the same level in my ftp. How do I do this?
Site (WP) is http://www.secretcitydesigns.com
Forum is http://www.secretcitydesigns.com/forum/
Here is the layout (cropped)


I did get the files in the right place, just got to this point and went, "duh" (RCA Dog look)

Dah. It's not the same level, man :D Even when they have the same level, you can enter "." (a single dot). Anyway, in your case, it should be "forum"

How/Where do I do this?
In your WordPress Dashboard > Options > XenForo :)
Haven't installed but wanted to thank upfront :) I'll definitely try and get back with the results here. Thank you very much xfrocks
Dah. It's not the same level, man :D Even when they have the same level, you can enter "." (a single dot). Anyway, in your case, it should be "forum"
So it would be .forum or ".forum" ?

I know it seems simple but once I ask and get it straight, if I ever do it again, I just use search so I don't have to do that again.
Thank you very much for this! I use WP as my CMS of choice for every single of my websites. This'll make both mine - and my community's - lives much, much easier. Cheers!
You must use ../xenforo :D

well, I changed it to ../xenforo

now its completely broken and I cant log back into wordpress to make any changes now, if I click log in it takes me to a xenforo page that just says "Log In" but Im already logged in there

I think Ill give up on this for now lol
well, I changed it to ../xenforo

now its completely broken and I cant log back into wordpress to make any changes now, if I click log in it takes me to a xenforo page that just says "Log In" but Im already logged in there

I think Ill give up on this for now lol

Ah. Are you running on subdomain or anything like that? Did you change cookie settings in XenForo?
no subdomains, havent touched the cookie settings

I am running vbulletin in the root, all of the wordpress links are sending me there now

both xf and wordpress are just blank test installs right now, Im just going to reinstall Wordpress and start over
xfrocks, xf_user cookie authentication currently doesn't work. I would like to know if there was any intention to disable that or it is just a bug? (if ($gotsession AND !empty($userinfo)) condition doesn't allow xf_user authentication to complete as $gotsession is false in this case).
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