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vBulletin 5 to Xenforo Importer 1.1.414.1

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Hehe, that is a user using something weird in his name.
Follow the same procedure. Look at the user_id in xf_user. Then using that userid in vb database and look at the next one. It will have some special character in it.
Whatever that character is. You can do the same like you did with the comma.

Is there a code that can skip all control characters?
I'm not 100% sure what they all are.
You could do this.
if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', $row['username'])){
Put that instead of your comma code.
This will only allow a-z,A-Z,0-9 as a username. No special characters.
When I go to xf_user the latest member is still S5 :) but at the forum latest member is [ฬ²] BهB so I guess that problem is with this user and not with next one, because next one have regular username?
I'm not 100% sure what they all are.
You could do this.
if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', $row['username'])){
Put that instead of your comma code.
This will only allow a-z,A-Z,0-9 as a username. No special characters.

Can I add some basic special characters to this code, something like - !#@$ ??
@ symbol is not allowed, but the rest should be ok.
if (!preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9 _!()+=`"$#%-]*$', $row['username'])){

I think I got this right.
Will allow _ ! ( ) + = `" space # % - $, not sure of which of these are allowed or not allowed in Xenforo.
If not you can google for the proper preg_match. I might have gotten it wrong.
@ symbol is not allowed, but the rest should be ok.
if (!preg_match('^[a-zA-Z0-9 _!()+=`"$#%-]*$', $row['username'])){

I think I got this right.
Will allow _ ! ( ) + = `" space # % - $, not sure of which of these are allowed or not allowed in Xenforo.
If not you can google for the proper preg_match. I might have gotten it wrong.

Something is not ok Warning: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '^' found in....
I tried this

if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\#\%\$\-\!]/', $row['username'])){

but I'm still stuck on cycle 9 with control characters...
My guess is # and % as well as $ are not allowed.
I would have left it with the comma stuff, and added a character from the mess of that one users name. Would probably solve your issues.
I have the site mostly imported now, thanks Necrophyte! After all the stops and starts I will likely clear everything out and go back to start fresh. The one lingering issue I have is that I'm not able to do any of the cache rebuilding/site re-indexing. Every effort to do so results in the following error message:

ErrorException: Illegal string offset 'tag' - library/XenForo/Search/DataHandler/Thread.php:47

Because I can't rebuild the caches and such, there are odd errors in the site such as all the posts in a thread being on page one of the thread. A bit interesting for threads with 300+ posts. :)

Did some Google searches and not finding anything in particular on the subject. If I can't find anything, I'll try starting fresh tomorrow and see if the issue persists.
Thats easy to fix, its the tag setup one sec.
line 866
change above to:

Then re-run thread and posts.
I finaly menaged to import members but I lost arround 900 members due to special characters in usernames.

Anyway, I'm now stuck on forum conversion as convert button isn't there...what to do?

Btw, emoticons are not converted in 2nd step, i just have "-" in status column.
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