Recent content by GSCimbom

  1. GSCimbom

    XF 2.1 Like Problem

    Hi everyone. We have a problem about like spesification. When we like or react a message, we can't see which message is like. Sometimes we have same problem for quote. Can you help us? Xenforo version : 2.1.7
  2. GSCimbom

    The Large XenForo Forums List Post: 9,157,278 Members: 20,094 Loading.. 10 million posts. 🙂
  3. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 Error message after upgrading to XenForo 2.0.10

    "Xencat - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine/News 2.0.2 " I get an error from this plugin.
  4. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 Error message after upgrading to XenForo 2.0.10

    Hi, I have the same error. I did what they said, but the same error appears.
  5. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 xF Job Problem

    The solution to the problem is mentioned here.
  6. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 xF Job Problem

    Hi everyone. My website slows down and the server CPU rises.This problem started with the last update especially. The solution is recovering when we unload the xf_job table in the database. How can I fix this problem? Please help me :( This is example screen of databese.
  7. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 User Title Ladder Rank

    'Hi. I want to add a rank visual to the title of the users.How can I do this? Can you help me please? Thank you.
  8. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 Banned Users

    Help please :confused:
  9. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 Banned Users

    I organize user group permissions.Banned users group can see the forum.But it didn't work.
  10. GSCimbom

    XF 2.0 Banned Users

    Hi everyone, I need to help about banned members.My banned users want to see my forum(they just see my forum,they can't write messages).I change user group permission and I'm add new group for banned members.But it didn't work.How can I solve this?
  11. GSCimbom

    [DBTech] DragonByte SEO URLs to XenForo 2

    The forum homepage is failing. Forum and categories are not visible. @DragonByte Tech Some url forwarding did not happen. But in general url forwarding is successful. Thank you.
  12. GSCimbom

    XenForo Redirects for vBulletin About this topic.
  13. GSCimbom

    XenForo Redirects for vBulletin

    @DragonByte Tech Is there any improvement?
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