Yay! The RM will be available March 26th. I'm so excited!

$20 it's a bargain vs the time and effort put into the product. Shame as (stated above) there wasn't a pre-purchase option. Excellent work Mike, Paul and all involved.
Hmm, the price is so good I may have to figure out a use for it!

Any suggestions???

We don't distribute any programs or code - I suppose a good use may be for stuff like guide? But is it just as good for online guides (hot to resize an image, for instance) as it is for files....?

I'm like a kid in the candy store -already filled up but need some sweets for the pocket.

A big shout out to XF for the $20 deal which seems to be rewarding those who stuck this thing out!
People who don't plan to use RM for downloads/files purpose seem to use it for guides/article/wiki/reviews.
who is buying the resource manager the day it comes out?:p

And what will you use it for?

personally i'm adapting it for my writing site, so writers can post up their ebooks they write

I'm adapting it for guides/custom content people create for games like Exalted/DnD, etc.
People who don't plan to use RM for downloads/files purpose seem to use it for guides/article/wiki/reviews.
That's what I think I'll be using it for, and then I can remove the library add-on (no offence to waindigo!)
Even back then there was no word that it would be free even when the thread was created. I honestly don't think anyone expected this to be a free add-on though there is a lot of speculation on whether it would be free with no substantial evidence made whether it was confirmed as being free or what pricing structure xenforo were going to take with it.

That's exactly how I remember it.
I'm going to loose 90% of my posts if I use the RM so I might just start my forum again (dump my database) and start afresh (no offence to me). Got some thinking to do I think.
I'm trying to adapt it to a review system.

My thoughts too, I'm wondering if/how this can be used for reviews, but unsure what advantages it has over just a simple reviews forum which I have anyway. Maybe the ability to use categories?
That's exactly how I remember it.
The speculation about it being free was not based on "just nothing". Either Mike or Kier said something which fueled the flames.

I thought it should be paid then and I think it should be paid now.

I think it would have been people assuming then if that was the case because there was no way Kier, Mike or any of the staff remotely hinted it was going to be free. Eitherway, we now have the pricing structure, there's a extremely good and (generous) 24 hour sale so we have the facts and information to move forward.Things are looking up here and it's a welcome sight. :)
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