Yay! The RM will be available March 26th. I'm so excited!

Is it paid for sure ?
Originally it was going to be released free.

I don't ever recall it being said the RM was going to be free. Link to thread/post where they said that?
Edit: nor should it be free considering the amount of work that got put into it.
I don't need it.

Wait, maybe I need it. I'm planning to host some local comic (Legally, with license from the author) . RM would be useful for it.
I remember a thread that talked about changing the plans and that the RM shouldn't be free.

Link to thread? I'm quite curious where you think you saw this thread because i honestly can't recall it ever being said that it was going to be free, or hinted that it would be free. Perhaps a member made a passing comment about it being free.
Same here. Will buy it within the Special Offer, since i am running kind of a Wiki, i can tranfer all into the RM

For the last time (as Slavik was ignored), the RM was always intended to be a paid official add-on.
Hmm, the price is so good I may have to figure out a use for it!

Any suggestions???

We don't distribute any programs or code - I suppose a good use may be for stuff like guide? But is it just as good for online guides (hot to resize an image, for instance) as it is for files....?

I'm like a kid in the candy store -already filled up but need some sweets for the pocket.

A big shout out to XF for the $20 deal which seems to be rewarding those who stuck this thing out!
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