[XI] Blog [Paid] [Deleted]

Not yet, but that will be there too soon enough.
Understand you don't want to tempt Murphy's Law re: release date.

That said, do you still expect it to be this year or are you pretty sure it'll be after the first of the year?
My base is very anxious for it and we have a lot of vB blog content we want to migrate.

Understand you don't want to tempt Murphy's Law re: release date.

That said, do you still expect it to be this year or are you pretty sure it'll be after the first of the year?
My base is very anxious for it and we have a lot of vB blog content we want to migrate.

It will definitely be this year. Crunch time is on the horizon.
Thanks O! Yeah, like Dodgeboard. I'll wait for all of the improvements.
Since I'm not a systems guy, no sense paying to install it twice.
Looking forward to it though. Sounds like great new functionality.
It's been a big hole in the XF product being truly competitive and the core is so excellent
that a superb blog should benefit many.

Am subscribed to this thread so will keep an eye on developments.

Good luck with the bug squashing and fine-tuning... can hardly wait!
I hope the new 1.1 update is out within the next month as there are some features of it that I MUST have...plus if at all possible, the "What's New" is used some way to alert site users of new blog entries otherwise I feel Blogs will just drift off into obscurity on my site.

Also, is there some way that I can using htaccess make it so users can promote their blog to their friends with a more personal address like www.mydomain.com/username/blog or even something better (but I can't think of something better)
Me too, but we still have 3 months til the end of the year...
Like everything else XF... it's almost never as soon as we want it, as I've been blogless since migrating to XF,
BUT if the blog is anything near the quality of XF, it'll be, to my group at least, worth the wait.
So Oni, please stop reading this and get back to work! :LOL:
Absolutely HJ... I'm waiting for the next version before buying this. If the next version is everything stated, then XF will finally have a robust blog platform. Minimal queries, fast, responsive, extensive options for users to manage their content.... then this will be a big bonus to my users also.
Picked up 3 little bugs (?) so far:
1. Not sure why but I entered a test blog and the "Share This Page" side block shows Twitter and Facebook. Entered a 2nd blog entry and the side block only shows Twitter (Facebook option isn't shown):
2. the class "lnblogEntryAuthorDescriptionEdit" that defines the "Edit" link of the "About The Author" is an orphaned class i.e. not listed in any css anywhere
3. Carriage returns (new paragraph) in the "About the author" inserted in your settings are not displayed with the blog entry i.e. the text runs together

Can anyone tell me if/how what I can do in my htaccess to change the address from:
Picked up 3 little bugs (?) so far:
1. Not sure why but I entered a test blog and the "Share This Page" side block shows Twitter and Facebook. Entered a 2nd blog entry and the side block only shows Twitter (Facebook option isn't shown):
View attachment 34501
2. the class "lnblogEntryAuthorDescriptionEdit" that defines the "Edit" link of the "About The Author" is an orphaned class i.e. not listed in any css anywhere
3. Carriage returns (new paragraph) in the "About the author" inserted in your settings are not displayed with the blog entry i.e. the text runs together

Can anyone tell me if/how what I can do in my htaccess to change the address from:
  1. I'm not sure why/how that could happen either. :confused:
  2. All the templates are being redone so this won't be a problem.
  3. Noted.
I can't help with URL rewriting part (I admit that is a skill I lack). I will mention the URLs will change slightly in 1.1 though.
There's no way to do that without changing the code in some way (you'd have to do the same in XenForo itself). I could perhaps put in a whitelist feature in the ACP? Would that work for you?
I am in high need of this to allow do-follow links for a usergroup, please can I pay you to add this feature soon as possible so I can let many of my members know a ETA.
Another bug that could be cleaned up with the new release is the user's Avatars. If the user doesn't have their own customised avatar yet has selected a "sex" in the settings of Male or Female, the blogs don't pick up the Male or Female avatar of the user but just displays the "Unspecified" question mark avatar.

I don't suppose anyone could help with a quick interim fix at this stage until the next version is released as I have special Male/Female avatars used on my site?
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