XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid] 1.5.5

No permission to buy ($79.00)

Could you please take a look at my account on your support forum please? It says

"To get official MD support and full posting privileges, please verify your forum username in the "Forum Users" section of your MD account area."

But when i try to login or reset password on Kolakube with my MDForum login/pass it says my account dont exist.

Also any chance you could help me out with this issue? Bridge suddenly stopped working and looks like my user lost his permission? There was no change on software on WP/XF. I also double checked and my XF user have all the permissions but when i check the bridge it is like below:

View attachment 260402
What happens when you refresh the forum data at the top of that page?

Your forum account was active a few hours ago at Kolakube, are you referring to a different account?
What happens when you refresh the forum data at the top of that page?

Your forum account was active a few hours ago at Kolakube, are you referring to a different account?

When i press refresh it looks like it`s processing but after its finished i see no changes in settings.

Yes it looks like my account is active on Kolakube because i can login and read post but i cant reply or create thread. Its asking me to verify
Just to add, on the XF side i tried two approaches, either "All scopes" or "Selected scopes only" (and all are selected):

I can also make SoapUI to work with API Key / User (for example GET method, /api/users/1)
Yes it looks like my account is active on Kolakube because i can login and read post but i cant reply or create thread. Its asking me to verify
During the switch to the Kolakube forums I changed the permissions so only verified XFtoWP customers can post there. You can manage the users with this permission from your XFtoWP account but I know you, so I went ahead and verified your account for you so you can post there now.

Just to add, on the XF side i tried two approaches, either "All scopes" or "Selected scopes only" (and all are selected):
Do any errors show up in your browsers console log? Right click> inspect and watch for any red error icons popup, specifically after you click the refresh button.
Bridge suddenly stopped working and looks like my user lost his permission? There was no change on software on WP/XF. I also double checked and my XF user have all the permissions but when i check the bridge it is like below:
Had the same issue on one of my site's copy (for testing purposes).
I thought it was because the API key was already connected to another copy, so I made up a clean XF test installation and a new API key, so it worked. Have a look if you have more than one API key or maybe a staging site which is already using it.

Please note that this is just an idea, not sure that it might solve your issue
To confirm: Open inspector, then click the refresh button. Does any error message pop into this console?

Can you also send me a link to your WP/XF sites?

Yes this is how it was done.

WP/XF links
MMARocks.pl / Cohones.mmarocks.pl

Had the same issue on one of my site's copy (for testing purposes).
I thought it was because the API key was already connected to another copy, so I made up a clean XF test installation and a new API key, so it worked. Have a look if you have more than one API key or maybe a staging site which is already using it.

Please note that this is just an idea, not sure that it might solve your issue

Thanks, i had testing enviroment in the past but it wasnt used in a long time. Will try to remove everything and install from scratch.

Edit. I removed the plugin, created new api key and install plugin again but it didnt help :( Still dont see the bridge options when i post new article from WP.
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I removed the plugin, created new api key and install plugin again but it didnt help :(
Sorry mate, I didn't mean to remove the plugin: just make sure there is only one API key in XenForo and that this is only linked to your XFtoWP

Don't think XF only allows 1 API key at a time to work, as you can create multiple keys... but I don't exclude this might be reason XFtoWP doesn't see token permissions...

Who knows! 🤷‍♂️
I actually had a test site with whole setup. WP/XF + bridge that was closed to the public. When i checked today, the same user, api key and license worked there like a charm. I turned off the settings and remove license key on the test site but still my production site is not working. I dont even see the bridge settings when i create new post. Anyone have any other idea i could try pls?
Hey @def, thanks for your patience with my reply! It's definitely not expected for the API to stop working without something changing somewhere so I'm a bit thin on ideas. A couple more suggestions:

1) Ensure the API URL in your XFtoWP settings doesn't have a trailing slash or index.php at the end
2) If the API key is not a super user key, make sure there is no user ID entered in XFtoWP's super user ID setting
Hey @def, thanks for your patience with my reply! It's definitely not expected for the API to stop working without something changing somewhere so I'm a bit thin on ideas. A couple more suggestions:

1) Ensure the API URL in your XFtoWP settings doesn't have a trailing slash or index.php at the end
2) If the API key is not a super user key, make sure there is no user ID entered in XFtoWP's super user ID setting

Hi, Yes i confirm bor both.
Wow, thank you for your support.

Once you mentioned SSL certificates I started to check...
We are using LetsEncrypt to generate SSL certicates, they need to be re-issued pretty often. Also we are using CloudFlare... ...and it issues own ssl certificates, independent of the real ones.
Our LetsEncrypt certs have expired, but for the outside world it was ok, as CloudFlare did not care about it.
All cUrl requests, though, are going directly to the ip of destination server (/etc/hosts config)... and cUrl reports error... which cannot be seen with tools like SoapUI...

Once again @kolakube, thank you!
Wow, thank you for your support.

Once you mentioned SSL certificates I started to check...
We are using LetsEncrypt to generate SSL certicates, they need to be re-issued pretty often. Also we are using CloudFlare... ...and it issues own ssl certificates, independent of the real ones.
Our LetsEncrypt certs have expired, but for the outside world it was ok, as CloudFlare did not care about it.
All cUrl requests, though, are going directly to the ip of destination server (/etc/hosts config)... and cUrl reports error... which cannot be seen with tools like SoapUI...

Once again @kolakube, thank you!
GREAT news and thanks for sharing the extra details! I've added better error handling to my list of improvements as XFtoWP was able to log this error to WP debug, but would have saved us a lot of time had it shown that text in the interface.

Regardless, I'm glad you were able to sort the issue and expect some nice improvements to Thread comments in the upcoming version 1.4 release. :cool:
Hi everybody, XFtoWP 1.4 (beta) is now available with some solid new features to further enhance your WordPress and XenForo workflow. This release mainly focuses on the Thread comments functionality of XFtoWP but also adds some important elements to User syncing. Let's see what's new.

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NEWYou can now reply to threads from the WP post editor

The first thing you'll notice once you fire up the WP post editor is the newly redesigned "Post to XenForo" meta box. This space offers the same options to create and connect to threads as before, and XFtoWP 1.4 now adds the ability to post replies to existing threads.

This feature is great if you'd rather update an existing mega thread on your forum rather than posting a new thread for every article you publish to your WP site. You are not limited to how many replies you can make from this area, so you can even make multiple posts throughout your forum from the convenience of your post editor.

Already connect a WP article to a thread? No worries, you always have the option to make a new thread reply when you update your article on the WP side.

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NEWYou can now auto-post threads when you publish new content in WordPress

To best fit into high volume publications, you now have the ability to auto-post threads when you publish a new post, page, or custom post type content in WordPress. By utilizing the default thread settings in XFtoWP > Thread comments > Create thread, you can auto-post threads without ever having to touch the "Post to XenForo" meta box which can save you and your editor's time.

Still, should you need to make tweaks from your default settings XFtoWP will still post according to the preferences of each post, falling back to any default settings should you leave any fields empty. Configure what you need and let XFtoWP post the rest!

Thread auto-posting is not enabled by default, so you can easily enable and configure it from the aforementioned settings area. To make this feature truly complete, threads will also auto-publish even on scheduled posts! Don't want to auto-post a thread? You can disable this action on a per-post basis as well.

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NEWLock, stick, and tag threads on creation

XFtoWP 1.4 adds the new "Tools" tab to the Create new thread option which offers you the ability to lock, stick, and tag your newly created thread.

These features should be pretty self-explanatory so I'll spare you a long description, but they're nice to have when you need them from the post editor.

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NEWConnect user syncing to WooCommerce Memberships

XFtoWP 1.4 adds support for the WooCommerce Membership plugin, which is an extension that turns WooCommerce into more of a membership and subscriptions platform.

In version 1.4, XFtoWP now connects its user syncing features to various WooCommerce Membership actions and gives you the ability to promote usergroups and send messages to customers on product purchase.

Furthermore, you can also setup the same kinds of actions when a membership expires and trigger group demotions and send a message on your forum to remind member's to resubscribe.

Other Improvements in XFtoWP 1.4
  • NEW: You can now lock automated conversations so user's can't reply to your API user account that you may not check too often (as requested here):
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  • Minor admin UI improvements
  • Fixes a potential warning message on login redirect if user details are not correct
  • Removes hard-coded "Forum Users" text in frontend manual user verify form

Calling for beta testers to test the new features in XFtoWP 1.4

Due to some of the aggressive changes in XFtoWP 1.4 (mainly the redesigned Post to XenForo meta box) I am asking beta testers to try out as many new features possible before I mark it stable here. I know many of you like to use XFtoWP beta's on your live sites but please don't do so without making a backup first.

Once marked as stable XFtoWP 1.4 will be available as a one-click upgrade from the Plugins panel. To download the beta, login to your XFtoWP.com account area to grab the file right below the stable version:

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Calling for beta testers to test the new features in XFtoWP 1.4
Hello Alex!
I've cloned both my live WP and my live XF to test this new beta release. I've done a couple of subscription tests, but I don't know why, the user is not added to XenForo :unsure:

All settings are the same except the API key that of course I changed. Might be due to the license which is active (for now) in both live and cloned WP?
I've cloned both my live WP and my live XF to test this new beta release. I've done a couple of subscription tests, but I don't know why, the user is not added to XenForo :unsure:
Does this happen with the custom integration we made or the standard XFtoWP features?

All settings are the same except the API key that of course I changed. Might be due to the license which is active (for now) in both live and cloned WP?
Nah, I am not in the business of altering websites without a license key.
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