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[XFR] User Albums 1.0.0 b7

No permission to download
Hi pepelac,

I've got b6 installed and one of my members has found a glitch in the permissions - relating specifically to guests ability to view albums/images.

I have my board set to not allow guests to view albums however guests can view these links:

They cannot view a member's album list, however, so the permissions are working at the top end of the branch - but not the lower end:

I don't know if this is fixed in b7 but just wanted to point it out. If it is, can you confirm for me please and let me know how I upgrade?

Shaun :D
My recommendation would be for Xenforo Ltd to buy it and implement it as a paid add-on. It's too good to be left in the dark, my users are loving it more than any other album software prevously installed.
It would be great if xF were to develop a Gallery but I think their resources are best spent on the core product at the moment. That said, if there's a list of functionality that is wanted I will take a look at the list to get that added.
It would be great if xF were to develop a Gallery but I think their resources are best spent on the core product at the moment. That said, if there's a list of functionality that is wanted I will take a look at the list to get that added.

If you are planning to re-write and maintain i think you should open thread in another section and ask people for suggestions.
Hi pepelac,

I've got b6 installed and one of my members has found a glitch in the permissions - relating specifically to guests ability to view albums/images.

I have my board set to not allow guests to view albums however guests can view these links:

They cannot view a member's album list, however, so the permissions are working at the top end of the branch - but not the lower end:

I don't know if this is fixed in b7 but just wanted to point it out. If it is, can you confirm for me please and let me know how I upgrade?

Shaun :D

I think this is intentionally done that way. Because people like to insert album pictures in messages or conversations but do not like to show them to the public via album. IF the pictures would be protected also, this would not work. Best way would be a selectable privacy option for each single picture.

But you are right, this mod should be developed further. Someone should ask forum officials to contact the coder via email and ask for his permission to do it.
I'm going to ask again...

Right now if a user uploads a new image to his album it is added at the end of the album. Is there a way to switch the display order so the latest image shows up first in the album?

While I think this gallery is fabulous and will be a great addition to my community, I'm beginning to wonder if adding it is a good idea since it doesn't seem to be fully supported. I'd be happy to pay for a fully supported version! :)

Count me in on the people who will pay for a supported version. I am actually waiting to use this addon until some features are added.
Can this mod be set up where all the photos uploaded can a photo datebase?

Thanks. :)


Just wondering if anyone has an answer for my question above. Another way to put it would be when a user does a search on my forum will photos from the gallery appear in the results as well?

Thanks. :)
Is there a list out there of functionality that the community wants added?
More album types are needed. I paid a coder on here $50 to do this and he was unable to. I paid another coder and he was only able to add two of the extra permissions but ended up taking away Public albums (albums viewable by guests).

Public (exists currently)
Private (exists currently)
Global Albums (exists currently in the last Beta)

Extra Album Permissions:
Member's Only (All Logged In Members Can See)
Followed (Only Members You Follow Can View)
Custom (Only Members You Add Below Can View)
I contacted the owner and he said he is planning to support the mod and continue development. With that said, I think I'll begin work on my own solution.
I would gladly pay for this add-on to be further developed. If nothing happens here I will continue the development elsewhere, no matter what.

When that is said; I have also been promised by the developer to continue the support of this gallery add-on. Let's just cross our fingers that it will be sooner than later.
Can someone help me, please? I have bumped up my size limit to 8mb.. but when I try to upload a photo that's about 3 megs in size, I keep getting the error

The following error occurred

The uploaded file is too large for the server to process.


I don't have a limit on the dimensions, either. What's going on??
Can someone help me, please? I have bumped up my size limit to 8mb.. but when I try to upload a photo that's about 3 megs in size, I keep getting the error

The following error occurred

The uploaded file is too large for the server to process.


I don't have a limit on the dimensions, either. What's going on??

Having this same problem.
Having this same problem.

I went through this recently.

Make sure your file upload size and dimensions are set correctly in the admin panel both in the add-on options and in the file-attachment options.

Also, if the image is over 4000px x 4000px then the server will reject it with the same error.
I went through this recently.

Make sure your file upload size and dimensions are set correctly in the admin panel both in the add-on options and in the file-attachment options.

Also, if the image is over 4000px x 4000px then the server will reject it with the same error.

Both of the places where the upload limit is specified are set to the same figure. We have the dimensions left blank in both places. So far, with a 10MB limit set, we can only get a 2.1MB image to upload. Any other ideas?
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