XF 2.3 ?

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I don't have any information.
What's your price? Can we pay you in, say, fresh produce from the farm, car parts, or running shoes? 😁

Or, we gonna have to call in "da boys" to handle ya?
Dick Wolf Cop GIF by Wolf Entertainment

(I keed!)
@Chris D has posted 3 times in the last month and @Kier has posted 3 times this year - this doesn't speak a lot for XenForo's future. I figured with XenForo Cloud up and running income would be better for the company as a whole but it still seems to be getting quieter around here, especially from some of the oldest staff members. Add-on development diversity and support has also fallen off hard over the last couple of years. I do appreciate @Brogan's and @Jeremy P's continued steady community involvement. I also appreciate the add-on developers who are still working hard to make the current XenForo releases an even better product... to name a few that I personally use @Ozzy47, @Xon, @mazzly, @Siropu, @digitalpoint.

Not sure where this is all going, hopefully quickly towards XenForo 2.3 and a future that includes XenForo 3.0. At the same time I am forced to start looking at other options, because right now the future of XenForo is at best questionable.
@Chris D has posted 3 times in the last month and @Kier has posted 3 times this year - this doesn't speak a lot for XenForo's future. I figured with XenForo Cloud up and running income would be better for the company as a whole but it still seems to be getting quieter around here, especially from some of the oldest staff members. Add-on development diversity and support has also fallen off hard over the last couple of years. I do appreciate @Brogan's and @Jeremy P's continued steady community involvement. I also appreciate the add-on developers who are still working hard to make the current XenForo releases an even better product... to name a few that I personally use @Ozzy47, @Xon, @mazzly, @Siropu, @digitalpoint.

Not sure where this is all going, hopefully quickly towards XenForo 2.3 and a future that includes XenForo 3.0. At the same time I am forced to start looking at other options, because right now the future of XenForo is at best questionable.
I agree to an extent but i don't think it's the end of XF to be honest with you.
I think that many of us users are asking too much for what the developers are wanting to give us in the major releases.

I also think we have to be careful of what we wish for.
2.3 is considered a minor release. 3.0 would be the major release. It's been nearly 3 years since 2.2. No prior minor release has taken this long since xenforo started.
@Kier can you please confirm what you all think are major releases on xf? just to stop us bickering.
Would you please take a month or two to read, and understand, the information about what you are rambling about before you post another question that most of us already know the answer to, by already reading it in many threads.
Read more, post less!
Stop being a rude person. Take your own advice for once and whilst you're at it look in the mirror. I was asking on behalf of someone else.
Pull your own head in.
can you please confirm what you all think are major releases on xf? just to stop us bickering.
There is only one person bickering.
X.y.z (major release)
x.Y.z (interim/minor release)
x.y.Z (point/patch release)

This is pretty much industry standard and has been for decades.
A normal version number MUST take the form X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers, and MUST NOT contain leading zeroes. X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. Each element MUST increase numerically. For instance: 1.9.0 -> 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0.
It is also the format XF developers have acknowledged in previous posts they follow.
In fact, in a post back in 2022 following one of yours, Kier clearly stated what a major release version number would be.

Screen Shot 2023-07-12 at 1.41.51 AM.png

Now, if you want to get into the versioning ID system they use (like for add-ons)... it's a different discussion.
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