XenZine Articles [Deleted]

Probably a strange request but as I use this for managing a lot of user submitted video, and the tags that come with it, maybe a way of managing the tags? (similar, redundant, etc), I was thinking like a admin panel tag cloud(?), where they can be removed en masse.
Am unable to buy :( it gives me an error as below:

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Probably a strange request but as I use this for managing a lot of user submitted video, and the tags that come with it, maybe a way of managing the tags? (similar, redundant, etc), I was thinking like a admin panel tag cloud(?), where they can be removed en masse.

If you can think of a way that this would be useful to everyone, and other people think its a good idea, then I will add it to the to-do list

What exactly do you mean, a way for users with permissions to add/remove tags to existing articles they are not the author of?
I'm not sure what you mean by "admin panel tag cloud", I know what you mean by tags clouds, and it's possible some admins would prefer clouds
It would be great if you could create phrases for the hovers on the article list "Likes", "Tags", "Reviews" and "Summary" :) In the moment it seems that they are hardcoded.
It would be great if you could create phrases for the hovers on the article list "Likes", "Tags", "Reviews" and "Summary" :) In the moment it seems that they are hardcoded.

Ah, let me know about any hard coded phrases.. .there should be nothing left hard coded, but this plugin already has over 350 phrases, there are a lot of areas, some I might have missed, just let me know. I've left an open bug report here, I'll add them: http://xenzine.com/threads/hard-coded-phrases.213/#post-2801
@Gopala Subramanium

I do try be professional and not allow myself to rant, but I have to reply since it seems you will keep asking

So my first rant on xenforo in reply to you Gopala

Sorry Gopala, but I started to ignore you after a few conversations with you. You started the first conversation, expressing "wow" and that you would be willing to pay for me to set up your site in a similar fashion to xenzine.com (thinking that I had custom styled the site)

This was a kind compliment, and thank you, but xenzine.com is just the basic test site for the plug-in XenZine Articles, it is not styled in anyway, it simply uses the XenZine Articles plug-in.

But I don't really have time to set peoples sites up, nor will I often do custom plug-in styles, I try to do things that allow lots of people to have something. I told you that this was simply a plug-in and directed you to the page, all you need to do is tick an option (pimpmexenzine). XenZine.com is not a custom style, it just relies on the XenZine Article plug-in (it is an article manager)

You then followed that conversation up with that you could not afford the price of the plug-in, you then asked for a discount, and for a brand free version (exactly why do you need a brand free version, if you can not afford the branded version is beyond me). I can appreciate that some people can not afford the price, they may also not be able to afford the forum software (but there are always free alternatives).

If you can not afford the plug-in, I can not imagine how you would have afforded my personal time spent on customisations for your site...

At this point, I stopped replying

I simply can not work for free, nor can I work for pennies, I provided high quality plug-ins. This takes time and effort (and not even enough economic reward to pay for the roof over my head).

There are plenty of free plug-ins at xenforo.com, they might be more rewarding for you... They may not have lots of features, nor will you be able to customise them as much, they also may not be as high performing and scale quite as well, but they might be more rewarding for your site.

You then later continued the conversation, expressing that you were convinced (for how, I am not sure, since I had stopped replying and took no effort to try to convince you) and that although you were a non for profit organisation, you could now afford the plug-in.

Simply replying to your conversations and posts has taken time away that I would otherwise spend improving the XenZine plug-in, I would like to reward the existing paying users by making improvements or fixing bugs (not replying to private conversations). I can not stop you from buying a copy of XenZine Articles, and do not wish to, but I think it would be more economically in your favour if you would look for free alternatives, I also think it would be beneficial to the existing paying users of XenZine Articles if you did this. I do not offer a support service, I help people that I can, where I can, and as soon as I can (but obviously this is unpaid). In this thread I will often help anyone I can for this plug-in (but there is no guarantee). I am very keen to reply to enhancement suggestions that will be beneficial to existing paying users. But what I will not do is reply or spend time with people that are begging for discounts, think they should have a brand free version, can not afford the current price, have offered to pay for customisations yet tell me that they can not afford the plug-in, and expect replies (and as such will also expect lots private support for free). I do not expect to continue this conversation with you and would appreciate any non Xenzine Article support related replies not be added to this thread.

I do not mean to offend you in any way, and appreciate that the plugin may be expensive for you and hope that you can find free alternatives that might better suit you.
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Extremely sorry if I've hurt you in anyway. I truly appreciate the hard work you have put and your add-on is more than 40 bucks worth. I have been keen to buy this since the day I first saw it and wrote into you.

Yes, I requested for a discount if possible but did not bother you after you did not respond. I had no clue that you would get so offended on this.

I have had 9 sales in the last 2 weeks and have been able to get money buy your add-on.

I would like to buy this add-on (branded) if you are interested?
@Gopala Subramanium

Thank you, there is no need to apologise, my inability to express that I can not afford to spend time replying to individual private conversations unrelated to add-on improvements is possibly more at fault.
Of course you can buy the add-on, you should now be able to register at Surrey Forum and pay via PayPal following the instructions here:


Please feel free to add any XenZine Articles support related posts to this thread at xenforo.com (or bugs/enhancements at xenzine.com), especially enhancements that will benefit all current users, and I once again apologise if my previous post was harsh
How can I omit words in the title that are used for tags that are 3 characters or less when converting a thread to an article?
How can I omit words in the title that are used for tags that are 3 characters or less when converting a thread to an article?

Hmm, so if people add things like "this is my tag"

The tags would be picked up at:

The should add:
my-tag (or what ever the equivalent might be)

I'm not sure if getting rid of short words is a good idea, some short tags are useful

I think adding words to a list that should never be shown as tags (by default, adding the usual reserved words for databases)
So things like "and", "is", "at", "the" get removed
Is it possible to update this so when someone creates an article it can have two categories. For example if I had a category called subject = science and theme = water.

And I had an article about using ice cubes and bowls to show the water cycle, I'd want to put it in both categories without duplicating it.
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