XenSocialize Pro [Paid] [Deleted]

The main reason for that is the script is unable to contact either one, two or all the three servers.
Contact your host and tell them to check if these hosts are blocked...

If none of them have been blocked, then the likely issue is that there's a problem in the nodes between your server and any one of them... You can 'debug' by disabling all the plugins and enabling them one at a time and see which one causes the issue...

This is something out of my hand to be frank, as I don't manage the servers ;)

Checked with Host & Server. Nothing is blocked. Disabled plugins and enabled one by one. The issue is with This Plugin only.

Now suggest what to do :(
Checked with Host & Server. Nothing is blocked. Disabled plugins and enabled one by one. The issue is with This Plugin only.

Now suggest what to do :(
I meant the plugins of this add-on... try disabling twitter and bitly and only enable facebook and so on...
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Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing XenSocialize with a new update entry:

XenSocialize ver 2.0 is here!

Our long-awaiting version 2.0 is here! This is a BETA release (i.e. there might be some bugs and some features that are included in the final release are excluded).

The add-on Id has been changed so please make sure to note down the changes you made and uninstall the old version before installing the new one. You also have to change the user group permission and by default, the permission to post update on thread creation is set to no.

Thanks and enjoy! :)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Getting errors with the "read-only" fields.

Can you simply open them up and let us (who had earlier versions) fill them in?

Zend_Oauth_Exception: Could not retrieve a valid Token response from Token URL:< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>< hash> <request>/oauth/request_token?oauth_consumer_key=\Og&amp;oauth_nonce=e0cd0&amp;oauth_timestamp=1355107325&amp;oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&amp;oauth_version=1.0&amp;oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2Faquiaharbour.org%2Fadmin.php%3Fxensocialize%2Ffetch%2Ftwitter-token%2Fprocess&amp;oauth_signature=gqhg%3D</request> <error>Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob'</error>< /hash> - library/Zend/Oauth/Http.php:234
Generated By: cowboyup, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/Zend/Oauth/Http.php(190): Zend_Oauth_Http->_assessRequestAttempt(Object(Zend_Http_Response))
#1 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/Zend/Oauth/Http.php(191): Zend_Oauth_Http->startRequestCycle(Array)
#2 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/Zend/Oauth/Http.php(191): Zend_Oauth_Http->startRequestCycle(Array)
#3 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/Zend/Oauth/Http/RequestToken.php(51): Zend_Oauth_Http->startRequestCycle(Array)
#4 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/Zend/Oauth/Consumer.php(115): Zend_Oauth_Http_RequestToken->execute()
#5 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/GFNCoders/XenSocialize/ControllerAdmin/XenSocialize.php(53): Zend_Oauth_Consumer->getRequestToken()
#6 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): GFNCoders_XenSocialize_ControllerAdmin_XenSocialize->actionFetchTwitterToken()
#7 /home/aquiah5/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#8 /home/aquiah5/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#9 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(66) "http://aquiaharbour.org/admin.php?xensocialize/fetch/twitter-token"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["xensocialize/fetch/twitter-token"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {


I did not have a "call back url" configured in Twitter settings. Added and it now works...
How does the Opt-In for 'Show on User's Social Profile' work? If this general option is ticked, it will (as well as, or instead of?) post to the users own wall?
Is the Opt-In something on their XF profile, or something selected/unselected when starting each new topic? Is it selected or unselected by default? Is this default controllable either by site or user?
How does the Opt-In for 'Show on User's Social Profile' work? If this general option is ticked, it will (as well as, or instead of?) post to the users own wall?
Is the Opt-In something on their XF profile, or something selected/unselected when starting each new topic? Is it selected or unselected by default? Is this default controllable either by site or user?
The user get the option while creating and replying a thread; which can be auto selected from the user's account preference page:

You can control which user/user group can have this option (posting on their profile page upon replying/creating a thread).


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So the 'Share on Facebook|Twitter' tickboxes for new posts and replies controls only posting to their own profile? With it unticked it will still post to the systems profile, just not to their own? ie. are the users in control of what does and doesn't get finally posted to FB/Twitter for both their own profile and the system profile? I can forsee confusion/annoyance if they untick that option and it still gets posted to the system profile.
So the 'Share on Facebook|Twitter' tickboxes for new posts and replies controls only posting to their own profile? With it unticked it will still post to the systems profile, just not to their own? ie. are the users in control of what does and doesn't get finally posted to FB/Twitter for both their own profile and the system profile? I can forsee confusion/annoyance if they untick that option and it still gets posted to the system profile.
If by 'system profile' if you mean the site's Facebook/Twitter profile, these options doesn't manipulate that... only the admin has the privilege.
If going from v1 to v2 will the settings transfer over automatically or do they have to be migrated by hand? Thanks.
The Installer file is called before setting up the options fields in the current XenForo... so it's not possible to migrate automatically... I'll try something to create an action to do the job.... will confirm it by tonight ;)
If by 'system profile' if you mean the site's Facebook/Twitter profile, these options doesn't manipulate that... only the admin has the privilege.

So if the user un-ticks the box not to post to Facebook, it will not post it to the users facebook profile but still post it to the forums facebook profile?
Thanks. I wonder if that will minimise new topics, as users become aware and hesitant that every topic will be posted to the forum's facebook?

I would also like to see that option - allowing users (via group permissions in ACP?) to select if the topic will be added to the forums facebook profile or not. Allow certain usergroups to be able to untick (it's ticked by default) the option of posting to the forum's facebook
Thanks. I wonder if that will minimise new topics, as users become aware and hesitant that every topic will be posted to the forum's facebook?

I would also like to see that option - allowing users (via group permissions in ACP?) to select if the topic will be added to the forums facebook profile or not. Allow certain usergroups to be able to untick (it's ticked by default) the option of posting to the forum's facebook
hmm... possible...
If going from v1 to v2 will the settings transfer over automatically or do they have to be migrated by hand? Thanks.
okay, it's possible by adding a new action... I'll post an update tomorrow if possible :)
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing XenSocialize with a new update entry:

Fixed an issue, Added migration script

Added a migration script that will copy the data from the old version's configuration file (if the old one is still hasn't been uninstalled.)

Migration includes:
  • Included user-groups
  • Excluded Forums
  • And all other basic options (except for Facebook App Secret (I am getting an error for some reason))
To migrate just visit: http://yourwebsite.com/admin.php?xensocialize/migrate (link included in the configuration page).

A bug regarding uninstallation of...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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